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Saturday, May 02, 2015

A Comment Worthy Of A Post: DO YOU AGREE?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Jon Stewart Goes Off: Maybe We Should've Cared Abo...":

11:09 chew on this. Black America has failed to take accountability for the horrific black on black murder rate . The out of control drop out rate. The fatherless children. Babies having babies and lots of them. It is pure ignorance by choice.

Blame someone hell it was the teachers. Then it was politicians, now the cops. Keep on blaming. If Black America wants answers just look in the mirror. They don't give it crap about themselves why in hell should I or anyone else waste precious time. The pitty party is over. This is about to get real.

PUBLISHERS NOTES: Don't even think of commenting with a racist remark. 


  1. True. The major difficulty the black communities face, is the complete lack of any sense of being a responsible person. There is only a very small percent of blacks who believe in this.
    While some give the perception that they are responsible, they still can't get over their compelling urge to deny that anything is another black person's fault no matter how bad the behavior and make excuses for them and/or shift the blame to it being a society problem or the system's problem.

  2. Have to agree - all they have to do is look in the mirror.

  3. Now it's the media's fault, as if the media is responsible for setting the fires and the looting.
    It's gotten the point where you can only laugh at the foolishness and pray that they keep on killing each other off in record numbers.

  4. I do think that the white race has had just about enough blame for these things . This is not racist in comment , however , things started a while back as white cops on blacks profiling.
    Now it's all cops or whoever they want to blame.
    The mayor of Baltimore couldn't speak for herself because she didn't know what to say. She doesn't know right from wrong apparently. She had to call the rev. Al to do her work , she's a public figure who needs to be ousted from office.
    Why do we elect such ignorant racist people ?
    A scary thing is approaching the whole country. I look for much blood shed and killing in the very near future.
    We 90% of our population with arms , approx. 4 million NRA members , that's one hell of an Army. See you at Pork Chop Hill!!

  5. There have been at least 12 murders in Baltimore since Freddie Gray, most black on black...has anything been said about THAT?

  6. Baltimore City spends 40% above the state average per student for education. Somehow the liberals think that even more money will help.
    Proper parenting skills and personal responsibility are not even mentioned by the liberals as remedies for collapse of the inner city.

  7. Blacks could start by not naming their children idiotic names. They are not cute. They can never be expected to be taken seriously with the dumb names they name their kids. I go a local courtroom observing VOP hearings and the some of the names these people come up with are hysterical. No wonder the kid's a criminal. I go observe in the courtroom a lot and VOP hearings are held in the morning and I can say 99% of them are black. This is a county w/low minority residents.
    What I see, is they are given a chance and they can't even be bothered to complete the conditions of their probation. I won't go into how they can't even barely speak English and some even come dressed as if they have just left the Baltimore riots and didn't have a chance to change into decent clothes. The black race is in a pathetic state and most of it can be self corrected. It's just that there's labor involved in changing your ways and anything that involves labor they don't want to do.

  8. 4:48 Nailed it.

  9. stupid is as stupid does!

  10. 7:13 PM

    they are not white so why would they name the white names like fred or john? guess you don't like gandhi's first name either.


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