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Sunday, May 31, 2015

6 Baltimore officers charged in Freddie Gray death seek to move trial

BALTIMORE —Attorneys for six Baltimore police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray are asking a judge to move their case out of Baltimore, arguing it will be impossible to select an impartial jury and receive a fair trial.

The officers face charges ranging from assault to second-degree "depraved-heart" murder.

Gray's death April 19 prompted a wave of protests that on two occasions gave way to violence, looting and arson. The U.S. Justice Department announced it's conducting an investigation of the city police department.



  1. They should move it. If protest don't like that idea tough! They all say the courts in Baltimore are corrupt. They should be happy that they want to move it.

  2. Keep it where the crime happened. Let them be judged by the citizens they abuse.

  3. In with the baltimorons - no way to be found not guilty....anywhere else, no way to be convicted....

    Move it!

  4. Everyone is thinking of where the fairest trial could be held, so let's get right to it.
    Move the trial to Bismark, ND, where the predominant political party is the Republican party, black population is 0.03% and Baltimore, MD is the farthest thing from anyone's mind.
    Jury selection in any of Maryland's jurisdictions will take months. If it doesn't, you'll know that the fix is in.

  5. It will get moved to another part of MD where the officers will have a jury of their peers; People who are intelligent and who work and have morals and principles. Too many in Baltimore City are of the criminal element and criminal mind and so few have the intelligence level to be able to comprehend the evidence that will be presented.

  6. Hold the trials in Worcester county.

  7. 12:52 Yes, there are too few qualified in a true Baltimore jury pool. There have been reports of these people actively trying to be selected, when summoned for jury duty, because they wanted to "help out" the (guilty) black criminal.

    Any judge up there would be in an untenable conflict of interest. If they find them "not guilty" they risk their careers, at the very least. If they find them "guilty" they'll be facing the colleagues of these officers every single day in court...and the Justice system will all but break down.

    I agree, move it someplace the judge isn't subject to the cronyism and blacklash from his or her lynch-happy colleagues. Or that the jury pool isn't overwhelmingly made up of racists a who want to see a white person destroyed at any costs.

  8. 12:08 typical Crack Head Liberal...

    HEY DUMMY...These officers have a right to Due Process...SO MOVE THEIR CASE!!!

  9. Within the confines of Baltimore City and Baltimore County, the "jury" is already in, before the case even starts. Extend that to PG County, too, where it's obvious that the same mindset is at work.

    Bring it to Salisbury. Downtown businesses could use the months-long boost in revenue.

  10. These are highly qualified public safety individuals as you are seeing who could contribute to Salisbury's crime management woes. Just don't bring their management.

  11. I don't see the problem. They certainly have the right to ask for a change of venue and in my opinion, their lawyers would be remiss in not attempting it.

  12. 12:08
    Why would they want to keep it there. All the protesters have complained about how corrupt the system is in Baltimore. It needs to be moved.

  13. It doesn't matter where they have it when they are found not guilty they will still riot.

  14. I think they will riot either way in my opinion. They just need a slight reason. It doesn't have to be a good one.....just something that they dream up.

  15. They complain about how corrupt the system is, yet most of the officials and administrators are black.


  16. Because it's black people claiming the "system" is racist and corrupt, yet it's their own people in charge.


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