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Saturday, May 30, 2015

48 criminal aliens arrested by ICE Philadelphia in enforcement operation

PHILADELPHIA — Four dozen criminal aliens living in Pennsylvania and Delaware were arrested during a five-day enforcement operation. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Philadelphia took the 48 aliens into custody who are all a priority for removal from the United States.
“These aliens were menaces to society and committed a multitude of crimes,” said Tom Decker, ERO Philadelphia field office director. “By taking these individuals off our streets and removing them from the country, we are making our communities safer for everyone.”
Dozens of ERO officers participated in the operation from May 17 to 21 that focused on the arrests of public safety threats. Those arrested are from all over the world and have a wide-array of criminal convictions – many have committed multiple offenses.

Of the total 48 criminals arrested, one was a gang member, 10 were aggravated felons, and six were sex offenders. The vast majority of misdemeanor convictions were driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. ICE considers DUI offenders, particularly repeat offenders, to be a significant public safety threat.



  1. I would consider all illegal aliens, undocumented visitors or international travelers (and anything else you wish to call these border jumpers)a clear and present threat to the life and safety of every American citizen, regardless of how they got here except by the proper channels!

  2. Only 10,000,990 to go.

  3. As these are deported Obama has invited 30k more Muslim extremists, who are NOT terrorists, into the country.

    Who is your Enemy?


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