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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

$100K grant to start injectable heroin treatment in jail

A $100,000 grant will allow a county jail to begin offering an injectable prescription drug to help treat inmates struggling with heroin and painkiller addictions.

Terry Kokolis, superintendent of Anne Arundel County detention centers, said the funding will come from the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention. County officials believe they'll receive the money this summer and will be able to roll out the program at the Ordnance Road Correctional Facility in Glen Burnie this year.

"We have a captive audience, and many of them are addicted," said Kokolis, who sees a correlation between repeat inmates and drug use. "I've been very involved in this population for a very long time, and I think we can improve outcomes."

The grant comes at a time Gov. Larry Hogan and County Executive Steve Schuh, both Republicans, have emphasized a growing concern for residents in the state and county with opiate addictions.



  1. You think the jails are full now??????

  2. Why are we wasting money like this?!

    Put people to work! We actually have 'shovel-ready' projects...roads to be repaved, bridges to be rebuilt, and waters to be cleaned!

  3. so more tax money for criminals.let them suffer they weren't forced to put that needle in their arm

  4. And I would assume this is all being funded by us, the tax payer that works every day to try to live the dream. I hate to say this but F**k them, they got themselves in to this situation, I agree with 3:58, pick up trash on the roads, anything. This is not the United States of America that I grew up in.....

  5. They're in jail. Best treatment they can get. Hard to get dope in there. And of course the inmates are on board. They wanna see if they get high somehow of the crap. Or hope it goes wrong and place law suits.

  6. Maybe some of the wicomico addicts will go to AA county and get arrested for free drugs in jail. We can only hope.

  7. Let them go through withdrawls and get clean on their own. Why do I have to pay for their screwed up decision to become a junkie? This is the biggest waste of money I've seen in a long time. First the methadone bus now dope administered in jail, all to pacify the junkies in society.


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