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Sunday, April 05, 2015

Va. man sentenced in HIV case involving 2 Md. women

WASHINGTON – A Virginia man, who admitted he had unprotected sex with two Maryland woman without telling them he was HIV positive, was sentenced to 18 months in prison Monday.

The sentence was the maximum allowed under a plea agreement Daniel Cleaves, 28 of Richmond, struck with Montgomery County prosecutors. He pleaded guilty to reckless endangerment earlier this month.

Dressed in a dark green jumpsuit, Cleaves cried several times in court and told Judge Joseph Quirk how sorry he was.



  1. Bull. Takes two. These women played with fire and got burned. The herpes and clap are tolerable but HIV? Lol.

  2. THe "victim" deserves to have a life filled with anguish and anxiety. Experience is the best teacher with these ignoramuses. When you pick up a stranger in a bar and have sex with them there could be consequences and if she gets HIV she has absolutely no one to blame but her own self. Maybe next time she won't be so quick to jump in bed with a stranger and if she can't control herself she will make sure a condom is used. Woman like this are gross.

  3. What if a guy had a history of special needs in his family DNA? What if even though the odds of his offsprings being born with special needs were overwhelming he irresponsibly had unprotected sex with any willing partner? That issue has NEVER found it's way into a courtroom in the US,but that guy would be equally as guilty as the HIV guy,in my opinion,IF a special needs child was the result.

    1. Do what ? Your all over the place. I'm lost.

  4. 1:04 You had fifty words, give or take, to lambaste and vilify the woman, and not a single word of condemnation for the dirtbag who also went home with someone from a bar...but who also knowingly risked givng her a deadly disease. Blame the victim much?

    1:50 Now THAT is an intriguing angle, that touches upon numerous issues. I'd never thought of it before. The implications in that horrifying scenario are profound. I can only hope it never, ever happens. I'm sure it has before, whether it made its way to the courtroom or not.

  5. This POS knew he had HIV, yet had unprotected sex, & some would blame the female?? Women issues much? Yes, having unprotected sex is stupid on both sides of this, but he KNEW what he had & didn't tell!! This is a death sentence if not diagnosed in time, for sh%t's sake!!

    1. Its suicidal not a sentence. Done to them by themselves! If he raped them then Shane n fry his ass. Who is to blame when someone buys a car off the side of the road and it breaks down? The buyer who didn't look over the car properly and with the education and common sense god gave them or the guy selling the car that knows its a piece of crap?

  6. It's called personal responsibility 3:39 and 3:52. It's a darn shame your parents failed you so badly and didn't teach the concept to you. Hopefully you don't have children because your attitude makes for bad parenting.
    People like you are ALL that is wrong in the country.
    FYI- EVERY SINGLE action people take may have consequences and that is what you have to think about before you take the step.
    You don't rely on others esp some stranger. You do whatever it is to protect yourself in all circumstances.
    If I sound harsh too bad. People need to be told how it is and not just what they want to hear.

  7. 5:58--
    I was taught personal responsibility, thanks, and a lot of other good things, including morals. Good morals would not allow anyone to knowingly, deliberately infect anyone else with a disease to which there is no known cure, only very expensive drugs to lengthen their life. The rest of the crap you spewed isn't even worth a reply, other than to hope you get on some meds soon.

    1. You can't anything about morals. They all differ and people have rights that ensure the freedom of having their own morals.we are losing our country to people who believe morals trump laws . jury's don't convict on laws anymore. They convict on the morals they hold. As in this case. People need to accept that even they aren't perfect and another person will not have the same morals as them. For instance giving money to nick parks. People give and don't give but they know who he is. Its all in how people feel in their heart.

  8. Even with a condom this man is a risk to every woman on earth. He is spreading a potentially deadly disease knowingly. CUT IT OFF!!

    1. And even typing on a computer you spew stupidity! Shall we cut off your fingers!


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