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Sunday, April 05, 2015

UPDATE On Christian Owners of Indiana Pizzeria

EDITORS NOTE: We posted about this Pizzeria last night at 9:30pm. The total on GOFUNDME is now reaching 600k.

In less than 24 hours, over 8,000 people have donated more than $228,000 for the embattled Christian owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana. A slew of online threats forced the small business to close its doors after the owners told a local news station that they would refuse to cater for same-sex weddings based on their religious beliefs.

Among all of the donations was a $20 contribution that is being called the “greatest things I’ve seen in years” and the epitome of “real tolerance.” The GoFundMe page was set up by Lawrence Jones, a contributor for TheBlaze TV’s “Dana.” 



  1. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Libtards!

  2. The couple is suspected of duping the slew of well wishers and those of like mind. Reports are that they made up their responses as they knew people would jump in with money. Now they are out of sight aka "in hiding".

  3. 144-They were interviewed about their views on the new law...they gave a hypothetical response. And were hounded by death threats because of it.

  4. 1:44

    There are bible verses and religious mementos throughout the pizzeria that were shown in the original news clip. But I'm sure they put all that up ahead of the spontaneous news crew appearance to dupe us. You are a moron.

  5. Where do I send a check?

  6. COMMENT WORTHY OF A POST.April 3, 2015 at 2:15 PM

    I donated last night ,thanks joe,
    How will the lbs handle this .,.? A muslim bakery refuses a gay wedding cake ,WHAT will the liberal medis do ie CNN MSNBC,GAYS, NOTHING, its only a attack on CHRISTIANITY.

  7. I checked out their yelp review page yesterday and was sickened. The homosexual community had posted pictures of graphic gay sex. The comments were full of really foul language and sexual perversion. What is wrong with these people? The gay people that made these comments must have lives that are miserable. The level of hate was shocking. Yelp has since removed the pictures.

    1. right, it was the gays and the homosexuals that posted it and not all the millions of the straights or the heterosexual "trolls" that like to cause drama

  8. It's a miracle! Money from heaven.

  9. Think of the taxes this generated! They will be able to retire after gofundme takes their 8% and tax the balance. That is providing Mr. Jones actually forwards the money to the family.

  10. 1:44pm Reports? Not report, but reports? As in more than one?

    Please post where you're seeing these "reports". Just one would be fine.


  11. I support their stance against their rights being violated. But lost it when they closed business. Stand for what you believe. Die for it! Now they're getting rich for not working. For being barking cowards! Smdh.

  12. I agree with 2:47. Stand for what you believe!

  13. Does Mohamed Obama know this?

  14. 2:47p & 2:58p...my guess that a couple of the reasons for temporarily closing was the arson threat, and the harassments, intimidation, and bodily harm threats that were coming in on the business line non-stop.

    It might be difficult to take a pizza order with all of that going on.

    1. Don't let it bother you. Continue working. Cross bridges as they come. The gays are all about disruption! Its how they win!

  15. Same thing could happen here if you post your name,so glad for anonymous.

  16. Hey 1:44-You are suspected of being a liar. Most people on this blog have enough discernment to tell the fact from fiction. You just made it up because you, my friend , are the intolerant bigot you want to accuse Christians of being. I bet it makes your blood boil to see these people get rewarded for standing up for what they believe in. Go crawl back into the hole from which you came.

  17. 1:44-It was a daughter who the reporter interviewed not the parents. The reporter intentionally was out for a "gotcha moment" type of story.
    If you think for one second these people planned this to get money you are grossly uninformed.
    This planned nonsense is something being made up by the Homonazies because the fact that the pizza owners are going to end up with a lot of money over this is making them mad as hell.

  18. 2:00 and that is why this reporter who has a history of Christian bias as evidenced by her prior Tweets and other social media posts dating for several years now chose the pizza shop.
    The religious mementos were clues for the reporter because it makes no sense to just randomly go in and ask a small pizza shop if they would cater anything much less a wedding.

  19. Who has pizza at their wedding? I doubt they have a large wedding catering business.

  20. Straight individuals can start boycotting known gay owned businesses.


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