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Friday, April 10, 2015

U-Md. student government endorses demand that Byrd stadium be renamed, citing racist legacy

Colin Byrd hates the name. A second-generation “terrapin” — his father graduated from the University of Maryland in 1978 — he’s leading the campaign to pull the name “Byrd” off of the university’s football stadium, a proposal the student government endorsed in a 13-2-2 vote Wednesday night.

A coalition of student groups says Byrd Stadium’s namesake, H.C. “Curley” Byrd, a former president of the university, was a racist and a segregationist whose beliefs are contrary to the state flagship school’s mission and principles.

The campaign echoes those on many other college campuses, such as the University of North Carolina and Clemson University, which have buildings or other sites named in honor of historic figures or supporters of the college whose views now seem offensive to many.



  1. Oh , he was so much like Al Sharpton , Jessie Jackson and Obama. True racist at its best.

  2. We have spawned a worse than ever generation of disrespectful people who think about no one but themselves. We have doted on and given these kids so much that nothing will ever be enough.

  3. Harry Byrd was from Crisfield.

  4. So they'll undoubtedly rename it after some other racist pinhead. Behold the newly re-christened Jesse Jackson Stadium.

    Bet they'll ban lacrosse there.

  5. I am becoming a racist real fast. All this entitlement crap is causing me to look hard at a race of people that in the last decade have been giving every opportunity to succeed.

    Martin Luther is rolling over in his grave.

  6. Stop calling UMES and others a "historically black college"! So what if it was originally for blacks. Colleges that were originally for whites are not referred to as a "historically white college".

    1. No, they aren't called "historically white colleges", and it's a good thing, too, because there's be Congressional hearings on "institutional racism" and executive orders designed to dismantle them and erase their heritage and culture.

      "HBCU"'s are supposed to be insular safe havens for the oppressed to fulfill their potentials free of the crippling presence of the racist white agenda and the irrelevant Euro-centric system of...something. (insert more ridiculous politically correct afro-babble here).

      Calling them HBCU's simply makes it easier to decide which college to apply to. Or not.

  7. UM should not succumb to these ridiculous demands and keep Curley Bird stadium's name as is.

    This is an attempt to erase history. People need to speak out and stop this.

  8. Terrapin Stadium sounds fine to me.

  9. As a Crisfielder I am appalled at the thought of Curley Byrd's legacy being thrown aside.He named the team the Terrapins...Oops they might change that too.

  10. if you look at America History and all the racist they have things named after look at all those damn racist presidents that we see on the currency and naming anything after Ronald Reagan is an insult to all intelligent people the world over. One of the greatest racist to be in the WHITE house along with all the others starting from George Washington.


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