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Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Picture This Dad Put on His Daughter’s T-Shirt to Warn Boys to ‘Stay Clear’ Has the Internet Going Nuts

It’s the image that’s launched an ever-growing tide of Internet outrage.

Shown is a smiling father standing behind his apparently none-too-pleased daughter, who’s wearing a T-shirt featuring an image of her muscular dad’s bare torso with this message: “Stay Clear Boys, this is my dad!”

The photo was posted to Reddit on Saturday accompanied by the heading, “Dad security.” While it was on the site’s “Funny” section and some saw it as a joke, not everyone was laughing at the image.



  1. It's his daughter. People should mind their own business. I have made a few threats over the years.

  2. What a dumb-ace.
    She has to endure taunts and joking that you can't even imagine.
    Would anyone object if he made her wear a chastity belt???
    No one has the right to humiliate or embarrass their kids to get a few redneck laughs.
    And that's exactly what they are....

  3. My guess is that when she grows up she will no longer communicate with him.10:03-You are correct,but he is not capable of seeing the long term damage this will do.


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