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Wednesday, April 01, 2015

The Latest Bombshell from Mrs. Clinton’s Lawyer

Did the former secretary of state delete pertinent e-mails while subject to congressional investigation? Hillary Clinton’s lawyers confirmed what many have suspected since her remarks at a U.N. press conference earlier this month: She has wiped her server clean of any e-mails that she didn’t turn over to the State Department. In so doing, Mrs. Clinton has given her critics more reason to suspect that she is up to no good and yet further reason that Mrs. Clinton should keep those lawyers on speed dial.

In the ongoing saga of Hillary Clinton’s exclusive use of a private server at her Chappaqua, N.Y., home, the latest bomb was thrown by her lawyer, David Kendall (of Bill Clinton impeachment fame). Late last week, Mr. Kendall wrote a lengthy letter to the Benghazi Select Committee to respond to Chairman Trey Gowdy’s demand that she turn over her server for inspection and analysis by a “neutral detached and independent third-party.” Mr. Kendall flatly refused the demand, suggesting that the committee lacked the authority to request it. But for good measure, Kendall explained that review of the server would be fruitless. After her personal lawyers reviewed the e-mails to determine which records Mrs. Clinton should return to the State Department, she “chose not to keep her non-record personal e-mails and asked that her account (which was no longer in active use) be set to retain only the most recent 60 days of e-mail.”



  1. How this woman thinks is really beyond me.

  2. How she gets away with it is beyond...

  3. No integrity and no respect for the law.

    The reasons she was fired as a lawyer during the watergate proceedings!

  4. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoApril 1, 2015 at 9:21 AM

    Clintons believe they are above the law and they have' been doing it for long time. Look at me, I'm Hillary and the Law does not apply to me. You Do As I Say,Not As I Do. My Computer got wiped clean, 4 Americans died in Benghazi, but Why Does It Matter!? How Dare You Question Me, the Royal Heinousty Queen Hillary Clinton?!!!


  5. Obstruction of Justice charge, anyone?

    Dick Morris has written that she doesn't type and suggested scrutiny turn to her assistants who were more likely to do the actual keyboard input.

    This is gonna require a lot of popcorn!

  6. That's one shady beach right there.

  7. Why hasn't anyone gone after the IT people who set up the Clinton email server? In my opinion, there should be some sort of backup that would hold the old data unless they destroyed it as well which would definitely make someone believe that they were hiding something!

  8. The e-mails sent, should still be on the server that received said e-mails! Nothing on the internet is completely deleted even if you think that it is deleted.


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