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Monday, April 13, 2015

The Board of Education will meet at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday

The Board of Education will meet at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Board Office on Mt. Hermon Road and Long Avenue, Salisbury....

Posted by Wicomico County Public Schools on Monday, April 13, 2015


  1. So how many viewers who squawk over all the WCBOE does wrong, will actually show up to the meeting?

  2. When will it come out that the BOE is moving next year to a building behind Lowes? There is no money but they can afford to lease this place? Sounds like an underhanded deal to me.

  3. Anonymous said...
    So how many viewers who squawk over all the WCBOE does wrong, will actually show up to the meeting?

    April 13, 2015 at 2:49 PM


  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    When will it come out that the BOE is moving next year to a building behind Lowes? There is no money but they can afford to lease this place? Sounds like an underhanded deal to me.

    April 13, 2015 at 2:56 PM

    Why do you keep bringing this shit up on here. You are an idiot. Where do you think the BOE gets their funding from and do you think the County Council and Exec. is going to approve this? You've lost your mind.

    1. Let's see who the idiot is in the end. Just wait. Btw, the Council approves a dollar amount but the BOE develops their own budget. They don't need approval to do this.

    2. My relative works at the Board and they were told they are moving over the summer. Doubt they would have been told of it wasn't true.

  5. I see redistricting for next year. You know, that redistricting they said they weren't going to do for next year.

  6. 7:31 So if you're so concerned, I imagine you'll be first on the list for public comments? Yeah, didn't think so.

  7. I bet more people would show up if they would hold the meeting at a time when WORKING people could more easily attend.

  8. If it's true they are relocating the BOE offices, why would you move away from most of your schools!

  9. 7:39
    You're saying members of the public need to take off from work because we should have known the board's statement that there would be no redistricting for the coming year was a lie. Should we just assume they're never truthful?

  10. If the BOE is moving what will happen to current site? More sports fields..


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