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Monday, April 06, 2015

Texas Students To Pro-lifers: Tear Down These Crosses

Hundreds of University of Texas-Arlington students have signed on to a petition to remove a memorial display of 2,900 small Christian crosses set up by a pro-life campus group.

The Pro-Life Mavericks put up the display at Central Library Mall, Campus Reform reported. The group arrived at the figure 2,900 because that’s the number of abortions reportedly performed each day.

But protesters said the women who aborted their babies aren’t necessarily Christian, and therefore the cross display is inappropriate.

“Every cross is supposed to represent an unborn child, but not necessarily every child that is aborted is Christian and therefore they’re being culturally insensitive, especially since we’re the fifth most diverse campus in America,” said sophomore Ashley Radovcich, to Campus Reform.

More here


  1. Love it. Now that's a point well taken.

    "Insensitivity" has found new grounds. Not every blastocyst or fetus aborted was "Christian" therefore it's insensitive to all the Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Pagan, Hindu, and atheist fetii.

    Which leads to the question...does that mean we're born a certain religious persuasion? If so, isn't it going against "God's will" to try to convert someone to another religion?

    And why would he create non-believers then, right out of the cradle?

    Or is the display of crosses "insensitive" because it implies that only Christian women have abortions?

  2. What factors are rapidly bringing down America. America's undesirables:


  3. I'm a conservative person but those right to lifers are getting just as bad as the Queers with their in your face crap.

  4. and she is in college. wow

  5. ok I may have acted to fact, I feel that your body is yours. no one should tell you what to do with it and when. NO ONE!!!!!. But if you can't do or know what to do then maybe someone will come in and do it for you. Is this really what you want and if so what $ amount will you put on it and if you sell your self what would be the prize for you babies Food For Thought. map


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