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Sunday, April 12, 2015

South Carolina officer faces murder charge after video shows him shooting man in back

A North Charleston police officer was arrested on a murder charge Tuesday after video surfaced of the lawman shooting eight times at 50-year-old Walter Scott as he ran away.

Scott died Saturday after Patrolman 1st Class Michael Slager, 33, shot him in the back.

The State Law Enforcement Division, which looked into whether the shooting was justified, confirmed that the officer had been booked into Charleston County’s jail late Tuesday afternoon on a murder charge.

Mayor Keith Summey said during a news conference that Slager’s “bad decision” had prompted his arrest.



  1. I am white and pro cop but this asshole gives good cops bad names glad he has been arrested pos.

  2. Mike lewis.....your up! You have a chance to show the public that you will not tolerate cops that go to far. Fire that right violating murderer of a deputy!

  3. It's a shame what has taken place ! Shot that man in the back ! Rip bro !!! Let that cop rot in hell !!! I came from a section 8 neighborhood where that's all cops did was mess with people! Why must this keep happening ! Don't these white cops have a heart! That was some one child someone's brother , uncle , cousin!!!!please please something has to change !!!! I love this country but what's is wrong with us!!!!!!!

  4. where ya at Jack?

  5. Who you talking about 10:50?

  6. Just think if he followed the commands of this cop he would still be alive. So what you want but if these idiots stop screwing around and follow directions. THEY WOULD ALL BE ALIVE.
    Hands up don't shoot - Follow commands and and live.

  7. know the whole story (not helping the cop out) traffic stop, guy ran, cop caught up, guy runs again, cop shoots to kill (for some DUMB reason - citing self defense)
    the whole story is just bizarre.

  8. Do what a cop tells you to do and all is fine!!! Again. Follow directions and be alive.PERIOD!!!

  9. 159 yeah and the thugs NEVER messed with the citizens or cops? your part of the problem also.

  10. Why was the non child support ripping the tazer out of his chest perpetrator running.

  11. Not excusing the cop but running from the police never ends well.
    If you want to stay alive its yes sir, no sir. Learn it, live it.

  12. It wasn't a "bad decision" that got him arrested -- it was murder.

  13. won't matter... they will find him justified... Because shooting someone unarmed and in the back and while running away is always justified...

  14. Let me guess he feared for his safety... hands up don't shoot..

  15. Don't run from the police and you will live, huh?
    I can point you to dozens of cases (complete with video, court records and even POLICE FILM of unarmed citizens being beaten into the hospital or shot to death. Unarmed and NOT running.
    On a side note, the police are already latching on to the "he took my stun gun!! And I was AFRAID!!" defense.
    Son, you had a GUN. He was running AWAY from you. You didn't even bother to chase him. Instead, possessing the "I can do anything I want" badge, you took a quick firing position and shot EIGHT times!
    Of course citizens should obey police commands -- when they show up, THEY are in charge. It has to be that way.
    That being said, not everyone who doesn't jump when told to jump deserves to be shot.
    Whatever happened to restraint, self control, calm decision making, and minimum use of force by the police???
    Now, its blast away at the first tingle of fear and police take training courses on how to justify shooting people, unarmed or not. THAT is a fact.
    ANY cop who can watch this tape and NOT say "damn, he murdered that guy!" probably took that course. But he shouldn't be carrying heat. Or claiming he's protecting anyone.

  16. Good shooting on the criminal cops part. Going to be hard to lie his way out of this one. 8 shots, what was he shooting a .22?

  17. I guess cops are to fat and lazy to run and take down a perp so just shoot em in the back X8.

  18. This is nothing short of cold blooded murder. You can't compare this to the Mike Brown incident. I'm glad there was a video, that is not justice, that was a personal choice to commit homicide. He was freaking already dead and the cop put the victims arms behind his back laying face down on the ground, there was no attempt to save his life.

  19. did any of you watch the video? did you not see the cop tossing something (stun gun?) next to the body?

    don't run and say yes sir, no sir?

    lmao. what planet are you from? YOU call US sir. YOU work for US, we don't work for you. got it?

    freaking morons. no wonder relations are terrible with kops.

  20. Anybody notice the part in the tape where the cop goes back to where the shooting started, picks something up, walks back to the dead guy, throws it on the ground, then picks it back up? His lawyer is going to have to come up with a whopper.

  21. and one more thing, we have a RIGHT and a DUTY to resist an UNLAWFUL ARREST.

    most don't know that, and I'm sure the kops don't want them to know that.

    but before any of you try, just know that kops are killing people just for fleeing and worse, for NOT fleeing.

    their day is coming.

  22. stopped for a broken tail light. ran because he owed child support. then EXECUTED.

    how many more? how much longer?

  23. 707 your what's rong with this country u self center pos! Cops think they can just shoot first and ask questions after that's why that cop going get his face pounded on when he doing his time ! Glad a aferican American man was videoing it !!!! Hahahah your life is over u racist cop !! Other cops take head big brother is always watching that's what that cops gets !!! Hahahah

  24. What is Wrong wit you people !! Because you run that justifies that cop shooting a in armed man in the back !!!!

  25. That cop going be some big black guy maid Hahahah !!!! He will deff get his in prison haha


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