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Monday, April 13, 2015

She Was Confronted By A Cop While Walking Her Pit Bull. What He Did Next Left Me Speechless.


  1. Nice intentions to make people happy about being bothered by police. Don't piss on my back and tell me its raining. I'd rather be left alone.

  2. This is a great idea. It would put officers on the streets in my town. something I never see. I do not live in Salisbury, but when there, I do not see officers patrolling there either.

  3. that is all this is for... they have so much stuff showing how bad these people are with morals and ethics and all that jazz, they only do this to "try" to perceive they are all out here to server and protect and to help... If that were the case, then why are there more cases, videos and court doc's saying cops abuse power and don't give two shits about us or anyone but themselves or their so called brothers in arms...

    Most of the stupid people in america will say, AWWEEE this is sweet and see all cops are not bad, I say go f' yourself for living in a fairy tail...

    If the cops cared even a little about our safety or anything else, why do they show up 30 deep, to a shots fired call?, why do they show up 30 deep for a help and officer call? or a officer down or shot call? why is it that they get 24hr protection when they get threatened like than did back in the Chris dornor incident? Yet, they won't do that for anyone of us let alone a murder or homicide call...

  4. lol ^typical moron.

  5. 2:46 dont you have some kids to feed or something. Maybe burn a blunt. All cops are not bad just like all blacks are not bad. Do you know what the word hypocrite means. Look in the mirror. If the police want to give me a free pizza I am takiing it. I dont have trouble police I obey the laws. I speak when I see one. They all ways speak back.

    Sorry all you haters. Aint it time to call your probation officer

    1. Lmao. Probably why they hate you cops. Put on probation for some petty crap and lives ruined by you officer. And here's a shocker.... I despise you police officers. And I'm not on probation and never been arrested.

  6. keep drinking the koolaid 4:20.

  7. kops will do anything to protect their jobs and lively hoods, even if it means making up false charges and arresting innocent people! f em! and yeah lets hear from all you kops how society would collapse if they weren't there to extort and harass and intimidate the average citizen! a pizza? lmao! How about an apology and some cold hard truth telling!


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