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Monday, April 13, 2015

School Bus Drops Little Girl Off Miles From Home

A seven-year-old Massachusetts girl was dropped off alone miles from home after she got on the wrong school bus.

Anastajia Charley was left wandering unfamiliar streets crying, until someone saw her and called the police. Meanwhile, her parents were waiting for her at her usual bus stop in total panic.

Anastajia and her parents, Georgia and Jonathan Charley, spoke to Clayton Morris on "Fox and Friends Weekend" about the scary ordeal.

Georgia explained that her son got off at the bus stop and told her that Anastasia was on the wrong bus.



  1. There are way too many victims these days.Everywhere you look downtrodden victims.That thought process needs to become a thing of the past.Once again we can be a nation of winners,not losers.

  2. She's just a kid and they make mistakes like getting on the wrong bus. It should be the adult driving the bus who should make sure she is safe (by either taking her home or calling her parents). If they hadn't shown a picture of a black family, people wouldn't be commenting about "victims".

  3. Locally, a child fell asleep on the bus and was left in the bus after hours until he woke up. It happens more than we would like. P.S. he was white.

  4. All they want is some cash. Problem solved.

  5. They'll probably go away after the payout. But that doesn't address the very serious issue, of how this could possibly happen, and what must be done to ensure it never happens again. Poor little girl, it must have been terrifying for her.


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