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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Salisbury McDonald's Now Serving Rocky Road

While McDonald's north uses these rocks as a part of their landscaping, now they are using them to fill all of the pot holes found throughout their parking lot. 

One of the holes, (top picture) is impossible to miss and there's a very good chance your car will bottom out, it's that deep. These pot holes didn't happen overnight. 

Just another example of how even businesses in Salisbury just don't give a crap any more. 


  1. Joe,

    Check out the potholes at Gander Mountain.

  2. This all over salisbury just about every parking lot

  3. So funny you should post this; I was in this parking lot on Friday night and it is ridiculous! I wondered if the people who own the property know how bad it is.

  4. If you think that is bad.....Take a look at the Milford Street Professional Center complex. Cones and barrells everywhere in the parking lot.

  5. I noticed that saturday. what a joke

  6. And I was told in the comments last week that the pot holes can't be filled with rocks, ground up bricks from the Bennett school. Guess I was right. Something is better than nothing.

  7. Also notice that every parking space in every parking lot in town has had a fluid spill.

  8. Those are smooth river rocks someone probably stole from some landscaping somewhere. Idiots

  9. This parking lot has been bad for over a month. It really gives you a jolt if you hit one. I hit one when it was dark and rainy out. I though for sure I had busted a tire.

  10. Hey Ireton, why don't you use the rubble from the old mall you want to be gone? Jimmy you are dumber than a box of rocks!

  11. What scavenger is doing the pot hole repairs?

  12. the potholes not being fixed isnt mcdonalds fault. the complex owner has to fix, or give permission for them to fix.

  13. This is a result of the closure of local paving not being done by shore contractors and no local plants being open for small batches.

    1. lol really now? or maybe its a result of the property owner not doing the maintenance thats required?

      lets blame ireton its his fault that the cold winter caused expansion/contraction issues and water to penetrate the asphalt breaking it up over time,plows tearing into it and thousands of cars driving over eventually creating the pothole.
      heck lets blame obama too since none of us are smart enough to realize whats going on

  14. Our HOA has tried to get contractors to quote to replacing our parking lot this winter and they won't return calls. Yes we called locals. Too busy? Is the job too small? We've lived here our whole lives, we know who is local....

    Why would someone call across the bridge for a paving job in Salisbury?

  15. Ghetto parking lot repairs.

  16. Sperry Van Ness owns half of Salisbury. You can't get them to do anything. You have to complain a million times to get something done.

  17. You should see the ghetto job they are getting ready to do on Milford Street. They painted new lines for parking before paving/ or the easiest way out patching all the pot holes....i mean man holes.


  18. It is interesting how people complain about things without informing themselves...holes in asphalt can not be fix properly until we get warmer and dryer weather, if not, they appear again...I think rocks are smart, temporary fix to a big problem.

  19. This made me laugh like crazy. We were just there a couple of days ago and went on and on about how bad it looked at that McDonalds. I wouldn't think the franchise would allow this. Maybe it's the beginning of a sinkhole???

  20. right it looks a sight I feel like calling the county or something wont go bac until its fixed its not worth tearing my car up


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