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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Salisbury Fire Turns Fatal...

Salisbury Fire Turns Fatal...http://www.wrdetv.com/index.cfm?ref=60200&ref2=1514

Posted by WRDE on Saturday, April 18, 2015


  1. See now! You are not safe in Salisbury even with a fully paid fire department and Station 16. The next time you here some bullshit about needing paid firemen you can divert them to this story. There are very few fires in Salisbury and even with paid firemen on duty they rarely save any lives. Shame on them scam artists.

    1. Did you read the article by WRDE? They said Hebron and Delmar responded to the fire and according to the fire Marshall Mr Baldwin started the fire.

  2. Tammy lost her son to a fire now her brother. Wow. Prayers.

  3. I believe the article states that it was DELMAR & HEBRON who responded. Not in Salisbury district so how can you blame them?

  4. Died as a result of the fire, at Hopkins.

  5. 3:33, Salisbury didn't make a response to that fire if you bothered to read the article. Even if they did station 2 volunteers would have been alerted and we all know how good they are at responding to calls.

  6. Anonymous said...
    3:33, Salisbury didn't make a response to that fire if you bothered to read the article. Even if they did station 2 volunteers would have been alerted and we all know how good they are at responding to calls.

    April 18, 2015 at 9:11 PM

    Station 2 has a paid officer around the clock now.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I believe the article states that it was DELMAR & HEBRON who responded. Not in Salisbury district so how can you blame them?

    April 18, 2015 at 6:11 PM

    Paid firemen on duty 24 hours a day.

  8. 3:33 can't help it, he's an idiot


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