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Monday, April 20, 2015

Reports From Israel Reveal Startling Rerun of History

They call it the “Kaduri Revival” and reports over recent months have confirmed the teachings of one of Israel’s most venerated rabbi are leading Jews time and again to accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah.

And face persecution.

Baptist preacher and radio host Carl Gallups says the situation facing Messianic Jews right now in Israel is “reminiscent of what we read about in the New Testament – in the early days of the church.”

There, he said, Jews accepting a Christian faith were persecuted.

And today, they “are facing the same hardships and persecution the early church faced,” he said.

But Gallups believes one of the least-reported aspects of this discussion is the rise of Messianic Judaism in Israel.

Gallups' book, “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime” is about Israel’s most venerated spiritual leader, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, who died in 2006 at the age of 108, leaving behind a message for his followers declaring that the name of the Messiah was Yehoshua – the formal name for Yeshua, or Jesus, in Greek.

Gallups says this shocking revelation was covered up by the media – and if he didn’t tell the story, no one else would.

“I wrote the book because I knew this story had to be told,” Gallups said. “It appeared that the mainstream media in the U.S., as well as in Israel, was not going to report upon the well-known fact that the most venerated rabbi in Israel’s modern history had left a note behind saying that Jesus was the real Messiah.

Besides leaving the note, he had also left a double handful of his Yeshiva students who are now professing Jesus as Messiah and Lord and revealing that Kaduri showed them these things in his private teachings.”

More here


  1. Isn't it incredibly sad that religion is all about who gets to be the big kid in the sandbox? I would love to speak to Jesus today to ask him about his faith and what he thinks of people today going to war in the name of religion. Someone once said that fighting about religion is like fighting about who has the best imaginary friend. It is just that stupid!!

  2. What does that have to do with this post, 2:23?

    Or did you just come on here to criticize religion?

    You probably will see Jesus soon.. but He will have some things to ask you first, before you ask Him anything.

  3. I, too, cannot wait to hear your conversation with Jesus.
    Using all your logic and reasoning powers, I'm SURE you think you will be able to tangle him all up in his answers and show him how wrong he is. One-up him and all that.
    Son, Jesus NEVER told anyone to kill -- he said "forgive" --, so all the men going to war are not Jesus's fault, much to your chagrin.
    And no, religion is NOT "all about who gets to be the big kid in the sandbox". Sounds really cute, intellectually superior (THATS what you were aiming for, wasn't it?), and disdainfully dismissive, but if that's all you got from a man whose very death defined time (B.C. & A D.), then you don't have a lot of intellectual credibility anyway.

    1. Christ imclain..... From truthful speaking politics to religion you got it going on. When are you running for office?

  4. Thank you, Imclain! You just plain ROCK! God has blessed you tenfold, and I thank Him every day for you. Prayers work wonders.


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