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Friday, April 10, 2015

Regional memo: Hogan forces small dose of budget frugality in Annapolis

Even as rookie Republican Gov. Larry Hogan wrangles with the Maryland legislature over the final shape of his first budget, it’s clear that his arrival in Annapolis has re-framed the debate over spending and taxes.

In less than three months — touting a mandate from the voters who powered his underdog victory — Hogan has forced the long-dominant Democrats to swallow a dose of budget frugality. The focus has shifted from potentially raising taxes to trying to trim them.

The initial impact has been modest, in terms of the amount of money involved. Right now, for instance, Hogan is battling for a tax cut for military retirees that would average less than $100 per veteran per year. He’s in a standoff with Democratic lawmakers over $68 million in school funds, equal to about 1/2 of 1 percent of total education spending in Maryland.



  1. Tax and spend democrats must be in shock when the govenor wants to reduce spending.

  2. And down to the penny the Dems can justify that spending? Not likely.

  3. Need to get Matt Creamer, John Cannon and his clones in line in Wicomico. It is all about what they can get to line their pockets and advance their causes - not the taxpayer. Cannon doesn't listen to the voters' opinions - he does what he wants. Poor choice for Council president. He is actually giddy with power. Truly a disgusting display from the Cannon family.

  4. When I read this post I thought I should comment about local politics. And I pulled up the comments and some one had already. One of my main concerns is that Culver is keeping the likes of Morris and Strausburg in his office when he knew neither of them treated him with respect when he was on council and in fact made a mockery of him behind closed doors with disgusting behavior. He also knows for a fact they visit across the hall with Matt Creamer plotting against him and does nothing about it. And yet he thinks their words that have no meaning shows support for him. Both of them are cancers that need to go.


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