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Friday, April 10, 2015

Rand Paul Turns the Typical Question on Abortion Exceptions Around in the Most Amazing Way

The media always pound pro-life Republican candidates like presidential hopeful Rand Paul with questions about exceptions in an attempt to make pro-life candidates appear as if they are unsympathetic about women victimized by rape because they don’ think killing the baby is the appropriate response. Reporters almost never ask pro-abortion Democrats hard-hitting questions about why they support late-term abortions, for example.

So when Paul got a question from a reporter today, he turned it around in the most amazing way.

Associated Press reporter Philip Elliott prodded Paul on abortion and whether he would support any exceptions to a ban on abortions.

“The thing is about abortion—and about a lot of things—is that I think people get tied up in all these details of, sort of, you’re this or this or that, or you’re hard and fast (on) one thing or the other,” Paul told Elliott. “I’ve supported both bills with and without (exceptions), you know. In general, I am pro-life. So I will support legislation that advances and shows that life is special and deserves protection.”

“Should there be any exemptions or not?” asked NH1 reporter Paul Steinhauser, in a followup.

“What’s the DNC say?” asked Paul, shifting the question back to Democrats.

“Here’s the deal—we always seen to have the debate waaaaay over here on what are the exact details of exemptions, or when it starts,” said Paul, waving his hands to the left. “Why don’t we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a seven-pound baby in the uterus? You go back and you ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she’s OK with killing a seven-pound baby that is not born yet. Ask her when life begins, and you ask Debbie when it’s okay to protect life. When you get an answer from Debbie, get back to me.”



  1. So he didn't answer the question, not good.

  2. I think he totally smacked that ace.
    They NEVER ask democrats these questions, but its about time. They are SO afraid of Rand Paul, they would try to insinuate he was Satan if they weren't atheist.

  3. 12:37 you missed the point

  4. This is the exact way candidates from the GOP should be fielding questions from the liberal media.

  5. Typical overblown exaggeration.

    Nobody is advocating "aborting" a full term baby. Ridiculous. The vast majority of abortions occur before it's much more than a clump of cells.

  6. 331, that's not his point.


  7. I have many reservations about Dr. Paul (he's an opthamologist, a medical doctor specializing in eye diseases. His father, Ron Paul is an obstetrician) but I salute him for 'punching back twice as hard'.

    The Dems have fed the reporters loaded questions as a way of creating negative spin when Republican candidates attempt to answer.

    I hope each Republican candidate utilizes this type of reply when faced with loaded questions.

    There are numerous great Republican candidates with actual accomplishments and if they get a chance to be heard by the public we will avoid the disastrous donkeys.

  8. Rand is a dangerous maniac!

  9. 5:59, I am missing your point,maybe? Are you saying that since he has a regular job and not a professional "politician" he's not qualified?????

    Please clarify your position.

    Please review the original Idea and requirements of who serves Congress from the founding fathers and get back to us from your fantasy world.


  10. To 10:25 from 5:59. You missed my point. I'm happy to have talented and non-career politicians in the Congress, including Dr. Paul.

    But I'm not on board with many of his points.

    I don't think his background is ideal for success in the job he's now seeking, but I applaud his decision not to be a punching bag for the media.

    There are many Republican governors this cycle who have made great strides in turning around states formerly run by Dems. One or more of them are better suited, in my view, since they are already doing the job that most closely parallels the president's. That is who I hope to vote for.

    I hope Dr. Paul continues to serve in the Senate. Preferable to anyone making noise as a Dem - absolutely, but not the best of the Republicans available.


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