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Thursday, April 09, 2015

Puerto Ricans Get Disability Because They Speak Spanish

The Social Security Administration (SSA) approved disability benefits for hundreds of Puerto Ricans because they do not speak English, despite the fact that Puerto Rico is a predominantly Spanish-speaking territory.

According to a new audit by the Office of Inspector General (OIG), the agency is misapplying rules that are intended to provide financial assistance to individuals who are illiterate or cannot speak English in the United States. Under the rules, Puerto Ricans are allowed to receive disability benefits for their inability to speak English as well.

“We found the Agency did not make exceptions regarding the English-language grid rules for claimants who reside in Puerto Rico, even though Spanish is the predominant language spoken in the local economy,” the OIG said.

The audit said a person applying for disability in Puerto Rico who cannot speak English “may increase his/her likelihood of receiving disability benefits.”

The agency does not currently have a system in place to keep track of the number of beneficiaries who receive disability insurance for not being able to speak English.



  1. In the REAL world (where you have to PRODUCE something), the person who put this in place would be fired YESTERDAY.
    Keep cheering.

  2. I concur with imclain...where the H does this sht come from and who approves it???? This stuff won't stop until its to late!

  3. If I move to Puerto Rico and Spanish is the most popular language there and I only speak English, would I get a disability check because of my inability to communicate in Spanish? This loop hole should work both ways.

  4. Does anyone know how much an individual will receive for this 'disability'?

  5. Liberals and Politians do not know what "CS" is.
    "Common Sense" gets them fired or so they think / believe.
    The Politians that drew up these guidelines were probably not concerned about their Political career or had College degrees that made them think they were smarter than the voters.
    They were using common sense for the Citizens of the US not illegals / immigrants that never paid in a dime or US territories.


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