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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Police: Man Dies In Custody, Stun Gun Used During Arrest

A man died in police custody early Friday after officers used a stun gun to subdue him outside a home he had broken into, prompting the frightened children inside to call 911, according to the Hagerstown Police Department and witnesses.

Witnesses said the officers acted professionally in taking down the man Thursday night as he cursed at police and ignored their commands to get down. An officer fired a stun gun from at least six feet away after the man moved toward him in an aggressive manner, said Robert Holmes, who said he watched the incident.

"They wasn't physical or nothing like that. They were pretty much doing their job," Holmes said.

Police said the man appeared to be under the influence of drugs. They said he remained uncooperative as he was handcuffed and placed in an ambulance.



  1. Police do not use "stun guns" They use tasers. Both are completely different and effects the human body differently. As usual the media is blatently stupid.

  2. Sometimes breaking into a house doesn't work out the way you thought it would.....he tased him instead of putting 15 rounds into him.
    Props to the cop.

  3. you're a dr ug addict and have a damaged diseased bad weAk heart

    yes a Tazer might or probably will kill your weak poor damaged heart

    just like you're eventually going to kill yourself a heart attack anyway from a lifetime of drugs and drinking @ about 50

  4. People don't live forever.Lately all we hear is how someone died.Death came shortly after they stopped breathing.It would have happened eventually anyway.

  5. So true. Kudos to the cops.


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