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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

O'Malley: America's Economy Needs 'Sensible Rebalancing,' Not 'Pitchforks'

Martin O'Malley, former governor of Maryland, says he'll decide by late May whether he's running for president. Running would put him — even he seems to acknowledge — in an uphill battle against Hillary Clinton, currently the only Democrat who has declared.

O'Malley is positioning himself to Clinton's left, and even President Obama's left.

He's for a much higher minimum wage, and against a major trade deal — the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In an interview with NPR's Steve Inskeep, O'Malley also said he wants to increase Social Security benefits, even though some people would pay more taxes.

Surveys put O'Malley far behind Clinton. But, he's hoping his travels across the country can change that. Last month, he addressed a crowd in Iowa while standing on a chair. Last week, he gave a speech at Harvard. And this week, he's in the early primary state of South Carolina.

"I've been an executive and a progressive executive with a record of accomplishments," the former Baltimore mayor said of the difference between him and Clinton. "I think contrasts will become apparent."

(A full transcript of the discussion is available here.)



  1. I'm at "Buffoon".

    Where are you all at?

  2. "Record of accomplishments" really?

  3. As much as I think he's a darn poor choice to lead any community, it's hard to argue he's worse than Hillary. If the field remains small and a scandal actually sticks to her, he might end up with the nomination. If there is no scandal, he might end up as the VP choice by default.

  4. 1:01
    Alas I fear you are correct!
    He'll only do well because of his looks. Many voted for Bill for the same reason. ARGH!


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