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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Obeying the law starts at the top

If politicians don't treat the law as worthy of respect, don't expect citizens to either.

Some people are now encouraging President Obama to basically ignore the Supreme Court where its rulings might impede the implementation of Obamacare. And a recent Rasmussen poll showed that 26% of likely voters — a minority, but still a significant number — say the president should beable to disregard federal court rulings "if they are standing in the way of actions he feels are important for the country."

Faced with a Supreme Court order to turn over the White House tapes, President Nixon complied and, shortly thereafter, resigned. But if Obama were to violate a high court decision, he wouldn't be the first president to do so. President Andrew Jackson, after all, ignored the justices' decision in favor of the Cherokee Nation in Worcester v. Georgia and sent the Cherokees on the Trail of Tears. His picture is on the $20 bill today, and although there's now a move to replace him, it's motivated more by a desire to have a woman on U.S. currency than by any disgust over Jackson's lawlessness.

The only remedy for presidential lawlessness, short of a coup or a civil war, is impeachment, and only two presidents, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, have ever been impeached. Neither was removed from office.

Of course, presidential lawlessness is a special case. Because the president controls not only the nation's law enforcement apparatus but also its military, it's pretty hard to call him to account. But what about the rest of us? If presidents can violate the law, why can't we?

It would be a bad thing for the country if Americans started to ask that question.



  1. I have been saying for a long time that a lawless government will create a lawless society. We are almost there. Nobody has any respect for the law anymore.

  2. Most citizens obey the law as a result of "moral obligation" but as morals erode the reason for obeying disappear. Politician and moral don't generally go in the same sentence anymore.

  3. Americans SHOULD question the "two sets of laws" thing so prevalent in the USA.
    Leadership comes from the top. If those in power, from corporate exec's to police to politicians, flaunt the law, circumvent the law, ignore the law, and violate it openly and without apology, what do they expect from the serfs?
    Blind obedience? A wink and a nod? RESPECT!??
    They can expect what they are getting now.
    Loss of respect for the law and disdain those who enforce it, resistance, lack of respect for authority, open dissent, and moral decay.
    Equal justice for all under the law has DISAPPEARED. And the consequences are more than obvious. I read the other day that "a rich guilty man is treated better than an innocent poor one." The French slaughtered 3/4's of the rich class when that situation became too much for them to take.
    That "two sets of laws" thing. "We, the people" are getting irritated. VERY irritated.
    THIS is the big picture most of the populace sees, but ignores, because in the short term, it benefits them.
    In the long run, they lose everything, including their lives.
    Cheer while you still can.....


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