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Monday, April 13, 2015

Obama making gay rights his, Democrats’ legacy

With actions as sweeping as new workplace rules for gays and as symbolic as a gender-neutral bathroom in the White House, President Obama is stepping up his efforts in the sexual-orientation culture wars and trying to burnish his legacy as a champion of gay rights.

Activists in both parties say Mr. Obama’s renewed push for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality could have implications for the 2016 election, because his actions will be difficult for the next president to reverse, and because he is solidifying the Democratic Party’s already-strong ties to a part of its base that votes enthusiastically and raises campaign money prodigiously.

“Clearly, the president and his team are banking on milking the waning hours of the culture war,” said Greg McNeilly, a Republican strategist in Michigan who is gay. “It’s working for them now, and they’re trying to maximize that effect. I do see him accelerating his efforts.”



  1. I wonder how obamas Muslim friends feel about this?

  2. President Obama, it's being reported you are fighting the gay rights battle for Larry Sinclair, can you comment on that?

  3. He was adamantly against gay marriage during his first presidential campaign. It's called "taqiyya".

  4. What a load of BS. If this is the best he can do for a legacy, then he has proven to the whole world what a failure he really is. Two terms and this will be the best he can do?? Other than dividing a nation, setting race relations back 50 years, allowing Iran the bomb and giving in to Putin is anyone really surprised that his legacy will be anything of substance. Obama is a total failure and loser!

  5. I've got news for you POS POTUS. Your legacy ain't gonna be looked upon as the 'gay liberator', pal.


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