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Saturday, April 18, 2015


President Obama’s White House Task Force on Creating Welcoming Communities unveiled its recommendations Friday for a national strategy to “integrate” millions of immigrants and refugees into cities and towns across the U.S.

The chair of the task force, Obama’s domestic policy adviser Cecilia Muñoz, said her focus is on making sure Obama’s historic immigration policies get “institutionalized” so they will live on long after she and her boss are gone from the White House.

Obama created the task force Nov. 21 when he announced his plan to unilaterally grant amnesty to more than 5 million illegal immigrants and child migrants. His administration is also bringing in 70,000 foreign refugees per year from places like Iraq, Somalia, Bhutan, Burma and Syria.

Friday’s conference was titled “The New National Integration Plan: Making the Most of a Historic Opportunity.”


  1. Of course they are. Buying in more dumbocrat votes.

    It ain't rocket science.

  2. This is a final step to make whites the minority in our country. And no one who can does anything against this illegal act.

  3. And even though this has been put on hold by a federal judge, they will press on anyway and ignore him.

  4. Since he wants them they can stay at his house...wherever that maybe! I am sure he would not mi d supporting them on his dime!

  5. I will welcome them all with an ounce of lead each.


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