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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Obama and Erdogan to Open New Mosque Together in Maryland

A couple of years ago it was reported that Turkey was helping fund the building of a $100 million dollar mega mosque in Lanham, Maryland. In fact Erdogan visited the mosque when he was here in May of 2013, promising to come back for the opening.

Well that time has apparently arrived and now Erdogan and Obama will be together at the mosque for the big opening ceremony:



  1. This is absolutely amazing, whose side is this president on? Wake up America !!!!!!

  2. This project provided millions of dollars in local revenue (design/construction).

  3. 10:39....talk about missing the point.....

  4. 10:49 - What point? Religious discrimination?

  5. America being chipped away time for WWIII.

  6. 10:54.....No, that's not the point.
    Give it another try.

  7. 10:54 - Thank you! The level of ignorance in these comments is utterly staggering. I wonder if these people actually know any Muslims - my guess is no, given their exceptionally narrow-minded take on this story. I'm a Christian with friends from many, many different faiths - including Muslims.

  8. There are so many narrow minded people in this country that really do not get the freedoms we have fought for. If the Muslims need a place of worship then so do I. My place of worship is in a differing faith. Is this not what our forefather fought for....The Muslims believe in a differing God but isn't he still God? Wake up and embrace your brothers no matter the color, religion, ethnic background, enemy, or however you want to classify them. Love thy neighbor as thyself. People leaving comments as stated above keep racism alive!

  9. 1:55
    The god in the quran (allah) is not the same as in the Bible. Just like the person you call father is not my father. The God of the Bible is merciful and loving. Find the word love in the quran. That is a challenge!

  10. No such thing as a Moderate Muslim otherwise they would be fighting in the Millions to wipe out extremism and terrorists?.


  11. He can help open it and then he can attend it with his friends.

  12. Won't Michelle look cute in a Burka


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