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Sunday, April 05, 2015

Muslims Outraged Over What Safeway Did to Muslim Who Wanted to Practice Shariah Law

California Muslims are outraged at what happened to a Muslim woman working at Safeway fueling station who was intent on abiding by Shariah law inside the United States.

Rosemary Hassan, a Muslim woman hired at Safeway in El Dorado Hills, was originally told that she would be allowed to wear a hijab — the Shariah-compliant scarf that covers a woman’s head and chest.

But the next day upon reporting to work wearing the hijab, she was called into the assistant manager’s office and told that she wasn’t allowed to wear the garment while on duty — and Muslims went bonkers over it.

Hassan was told that she would be required to fill out a form to submit a formal request for permission to wear the Islamic garment, one that Muslim men and Islamic writings state that women must wear to keep them as oppressed as humanly possible.

The Muslim woman claimed that the form was only for those who were disabled and therefore refused to complete the form, citing her religious reasons for sporting a garment that’s been the subject ofmultiple legal incidents around the country.



  1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. This is the USA! Get it?

  2. Maybe she could find a job at a Safeway in her 'home' country then?

  3. I think they should all wear a bag over their heads.
    They do have extended beaks.

  4. No! You are all starting to sound like the Homonazi's who want to force everyone to be exactly alike and not free to practice long held beliefs of their faith.
    If it were an Amish women would you expect her to remove her prayer cap?
    If you go to Lanc Co PA and visit the Kitchen Kettle village or a number of other businesses, the Amish employees are wearing traditional Amish clothing while the non Amish staff are wearing either a uniform or their regular clothing.

  5. There is a solution - your country will welcome you back I'm sure - don't let the U.S. door hit you in the rear as you leave. See ya.

  6. 7:21 - then we wouldn't be able to determine the baghead's sex or intention....wait, we can't do that now anyway...never mind!

  7. 7:36 - difference is that the Amish are living within our accepted legal and religious systems, aren't running around proclaiming "Death to America", and speak our language!

  8. If they don't like it get the hell out! They left their hell holes because of oppression and now they are not only bringing their problems with them, they want to change our culture to fit their culture.

  9. What exactly are "our accepted legal and religious systems", 8:09?
    While I don't agree with the Muslim beliefs because to me it's not a religion but more a cult, people do have the freedom to be in a cult if they choose to. They can scream Death to America all they want just so long as they don't act on the statement. It is their right just as it is our right to not respect them nor do we even have to like them if we don't want to. We can go as far as hating them if we want to.
    We can go around hollering Death to Muslims if we want. We can burn the Quarn, we even can put a sign up in a business saying Muslims Suck of course you will get back lash but we can do it.
    Freedoms are a 2 way street and you have to take the good with the bad.

  10. " they want to change our culture to fit their culture"

    You are absolutely correct. Some do want to change our culture. Those who do need a dose of American reality. In this country people are free to practice whatever faith they choose without interference from the government or from anyone so long as you do not break any laws of this land. And yes if they don't like this then they do need to go where it is permissible to force people to abide by your faith and culture.

  11. In order to remain a civilized culture we have to learn to accept the principles this country was founded on.
    "One nation under God" is one. Founders intentionally did not specify a specific God.
    Atheists and other non believers want all reference to God taken out of our culture BUT on the other hand they expect the principle of "liberty and justice for ALL" to include them. You cannot with any logic pick and choose what principles you want to accept. People need to be taught from a young age that while life isn't all butterflies and rainbows in this country it's far worse in others. Not everyone is ever going to like you, not everyone is always going to agree with you, you are going to be offended by something on a regular basis and that is life. A rational person deals with this without physically hurting another person and with accepting everyone has different belief systems and this is their right and to a very limited extent should we ever try and change them. If a person resists our attempts to change them we move on and not victimize them into submission as the Homonazis are doing.

  12. 8:09 AM
    Dead on target, thank you!

  13. She would be protected in Indiana.

  14. 8:26, did your mother drop you when you were a baby?

  15. 8:53 This country was founded on the concept that there are certain "inalienable" rights we have, compatible with most religions, but derived from "natural law".

    The "under God" part of the pledge of allegiance was not added until the 1950's. The founders deliberately left out such religious designations to avoid any ambiguity about the government's secularity. To add "under God" to the pledge would have been endorsing an "official deity"...which the founding fathers did not want. Religious freedom meant that the government did not play favorites with deities.

  16. Absolutely NO Sharia Law should be accepted, allowed, tolerated in this country, ever.

    If they insist on living under this law; go back to country of origin.

    Our laws are derived from English Law and English Law is derived from the Ten Commandments.

    We have had these laws since our founding. America has the RIGHT and Responsibility to judge according to these laws. Period.

  17. Will she restock the bacon when the shelves are empty or will she say she can't because of her 'religion?'


  18. Guess which check-out line I would not be in?

  19. Not referring to the Pledge-
    Founders envisioned One Nation Under God as evidenced by their writings one of many examples below and the Declaration of Independence which has a few more references to God

    1794 letter to the Massachusetts Legislature, Samuel Adams wrote, "In the supposed state of nature, all men are equally bound by the laws of nature, or to speak more properly, the laws of the Creator.

    Declaration of Independence

    “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

  20. Sorry but freedom of religion isn't just for Christian religions. See recent SCOTUS ruling on Muslim prisoner growing beard.

  21. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoApril 3, 2015 at 5:04 PM

    What would happen if a American Christian went to country like Iran and told them they have to change their system to accommodate his beliefs? I think he might get slaughtered before he even gets to a job interview? If you don't like your employer's policy than find a different job or leave the USA.

  22. I would have just wished her a Happy Halloween and left the store and the groceries in the cart.

  23. They really need to get the health department involved with these 'headdresses'. They've [headdresses] got to have some unhealthy derelict attributes. They just need to be exploited ;-)


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