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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

MSP Press Release 4-22-15 (Princess Anne Barrack)


  1. So in Maryland all guns have to be registered now??

  2. So because he appeared nervous they had the right to search the vehicle? Am I missing something?

  3. Always have been 5:00...where you been?

    Oh that is right...you are voting for Hillary, and being like sheep...


  4. This guy is not very smart. Driving 81mph (in 55mph speed limit) with unregistered loaded guns and ammunition in his truck. Double way to get in trouble. Wonder what he was planning to do with all those rounds of ammunition? Or maybe it's best we don't have to know.

  5. Best you don't have to know? Man o man, why would you assume such bad things? I was running late for a meeting. His probable cause was that "I was nervous". Really? I bought my weapons in CO, live in VA, and was only briefly passing through Maryland. Granted, my ignorance was no excuse for me breaking the law, however I would, and will continue to arm myself no matter wear I am. I do not feel safe otherwise. People should not be villainized and seen as criminals simply for possessing a handgun. An officers judgment and opinion of someones nervousness is not probable cause!

  6. The guns did not have to be registered, and the rifle and ammo were completely legal. The only thing illegal was the handgun, without a permit.


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