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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Military Tattoo Update

The Army said it will update its tattoo policy in the coming weeks. Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said the revised policy would be more in line with current social norms. Soldiers won't have a limit to the size and number of tattoos on their arms and legs. But Odierno said the tattoos can't be extremist, indecent, sexist or racist. The Army will still prohibit tattoos on the head, neck, face, wrist and hands.


  1. Yeah we will train you to be killers, but you cannot look like one! and since we literally own you once you join, we can't have our slaves looking crazy. Sign up today so we can send you off to war, get your leg blown off and then come home to the stellar care from the VA...... who is dumb enough to join?

  2. In the bible tatoos are a no no.

    1. What does the bible have to do with the Army?

  3. Keep lowering the standards, always a good policy.

  4. I'm sure, under this administration, that "religious" tattoos will be banned, as well.

  5. 10:18 Jesus had tattoos he showed off proudly, oh, I mean, peaircings.


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