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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Maryland mom who lost seven kids: ‘When they told me, I felt like I died.’

DENTON, Md. — On April 4, the day her baby girl was to turn 6, Tyisha Chambers texted her ex-husband.

She asked to speak with her youngest daughter, Tybreyia Todd. Chambers hadn’t lived with her children in three years, but on their birthdays, she always talked to them.

Her text went unanswered. Two days later, Chambers got the news about seven of her children, including Tybreyia.

“I don’t know if she made 6,” Chambers said Wednesday.

Along with her ex-husband, Rodney Todd, 36, the five girls and two boys had all been found dead in their tiny rented ranch house in Princess Anne, about 60 miles from her own home in Denton, on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.



  1. Sshe isn't a mom, she wasn't their for them when they were alive, don't be there when their dead.

  2. She last saw her kids on Christmas? Pitiful.

  3. She shouldn't have abandoned them to begin with. Since he couldn't afford electric, it appears she didn't offer any financial assistance for her children.

  4. look up case search she went after her X for child Support what a Pos.

  5. She should win the mother of the year award! POS!!!!

  6. It doesn't matter if she was a bad mother. This person can still grieve for her children. There is a connection between a mother and a child no matter what the circumstances. My mother was never in the picture during my entire childhood. Later in life we became very close. You do not know this woman's circumstances and just let her grieve.

  7. How come the system didn't go after her for child support while the criminal father was taking care of the kids ? once again one sided for men.

  8. if this had happened to my kids, id be to distraught for media attention. Don't give this POS, any type of fame,low life bit**. She needs birth control.

  9. Anonymous said...
    It doesn't matter if she was a bad mother. This person can still grieve for her children. There is a connection between a mother and a child no matter what the circumstances. My mother was never in the picture during my entire childhood. Later in life we became very close. You do not know this woman's circumstances and just let her grieve.

    April 9, 2015 at 10:11 AM

    AWWW... You poor Democrat. How's that hope and change going for you?

  10. Anonymous said...
    How come the system didn't go after her for child support while the criminal father was taking care of the kids ? once again one sided for men.

    April 9, 2015 at 10:12 AM

    That should be one sided against the men.

  11. I am dealing with Child support now and my ex makes nearly 3 times the amount that I do and they still want me to pay her child support even though we have them 50/50. The woman at the Child Support office is one sided and that is for the ex. She already has it in her mind that she is going to side with my ex and I can tell based on the conversation. I have to keep grilling her to get her to open her mind. WTH is wrong with these people.

    1. The maryland system is a joke for the men my ex since leaving me has became an alcoholic dropping my son off on anyone and using child support money to party when I went to court to try to gain custody I have requested a hair follicle drug test as well as I had a list of witnesses that had seen her use drugs etc....all of it was thrown out of court by the master judge .....I've since can't get a hold of my ex my number a blocked because I told her she need to stop being an alcoholic I have no idea where my son is and no way of getting a hold of him and haven't seen him since august

    2. The system is a joke my daughter will b one year old next month and child support still has not took my ex to court I have not received one dime pitifull

  12. 10:11 Define "grieving"? Is it going on television, and setting up gofundme accounts? No, it is not. Idiots.

  13. Make sure she get NO $$$.

  14. She is a LIAR!!!! She claims she NEEDS MONEY to pay for the funerals that have ALL BEEN DONATED!!!!! I understand the pain she is in losing her kids but this is not a money racket!

  15. Is there a go fund me that does NOT go to this woman? Call me what you will but I'd like to donate, just not for her to get any money. Thank you.

  16. Pathetic excuse for a mother...just pathetic.

  17. Oh thank you 12:12, so the funerals are taken care of? That's wonderful to hear. The thought of people making money on this makes me sick.

  18. Bennie Smith is accepting donations for funeral expenses, they will cover all costs that donations do not cover. Don't give a cent to this non existent so called mother, who wants to call herself a mom , where were you prior to this? Those kids had both a mom and a dad and they called him DADDY.

  19. Here comes the Michael Brown momma drama. Poor me. I'm in the light. Pay me.

  20. Those poor kids didn't have half a chance with those two as parents...I mean how do you leave your kids like she did...we know she didn't talk to or worry about any of them for the week they lay deceased in that house...I sure hope SHE gets nothing!! she didn't earn it and the one who did is gone!

  21. The MyEvent donation page where I donated, was started by Stephanie Wells. She is the lady who was the father's supervisor at UMES and was the one who actually took the time to go see if something was wrong. I don't know her but I saw her interviewed on TV and I would trust her without question. She is a caring sincere lady who after going to the home and getting no results didn't stop and went to the PD to file a missing persons report.
    She's a good lady and we need more like her. She's the person I want to meet. Not some 2 bit actor, politician or sports figure. She's a hero and now she's having us all come together to help pay the costs which does give us some small measure of feeling like we are doing something for this family.

    1. Zero $$$ to the failure of a Mother.

  22. 10:11, even neglectful parents grieve. They should just do so away from cameras.

  23. "seven of her children".....wonder how many more she actually has? This is hard to imagine at 36 yrs old:(

  24. 418 its called breeding for govt $$$

  25. I do not think it is appropriate for her to be in front of the cameras and shame on TV stations to even do an interview. If I was a reporter, I would refuse do the interview. There she be a limit. That crosses the line.

  26. Birth Control!!!! I am a single woman with a mortgage and car payment along with all the other bills that come along. I live paycheck to paycheck. I have no children and do not receive alimony from my ex husband. I have limited my cable and plan plans since they are a luxury. I have to pay out a $2000 deductible for healthcare. I do work a 40 hour week, and the state would never consider helping anyone who actually works...what is wrong with our system? How is it that those who apply themselves get far less than those that don't even try.

  27. Clearly she was deemed an "unfit" mother for a father in this state to be awarded full custody. This tragedy started long before that generator was started up.

    I am not even going to go on about the mother...I blame the lame media for even giving her a platform. They are lower than whale mung.

  28. "Anonymous said...
    Clearly she was deemed an "unfit" mother for a father in this state to be awarded full custody. This tragedy started long before that generator was started up.

    I am not even going to go on about the mother...I blame the lame media for even giving her a platform. They are lower than whale mung.

    April 9, 2015 at 6:26 PM"

    She deserted those children. She didn't want them. While alive they meant nothing to her. That's why the father had custody. That much is as clear as a bell and those in the media that are falling for her sudden concern are the fools and can't be considered anything close to a journalist because a real journalist does their homework and would know they were being taken by this woman.

  29. For everyone that left a negative comment towards this grieving mother ...You all such be ashamed of yourselves...sometimes the painted picture that one paints is often seen through one's narrow minded vision....Unless you know this Lady personally, and know the true facts of her past life " you have no right to judge her" that is a job for GOD!

  30. Well guess what 7:13. Some of us posting do know her and know that she isn't the only one in her family sucking off the system. If she had herself... better roll models be it family or friends ....she would have made better choices. If you can't be a mother to one child.... try to give the love and care you can and stop at one!

  31. 744 the problem is one generation after another is told its ok to milk the system of welfare,this is why there ethics are zero and america is going broke.

    1. Be serious! Who was milking the system?!?! He was employed... fyi you CAN NOT RECEIVE WELFARE WITH A JOB! I AM EMPLOYED WITH DEPT OF SOC SER

    2. Milking the system one generation at a time.April 10, 2015 at 9:20 AM

      You know dam well what i am talking about especially since your in social services .

  32. Stop lying 8:06. You do not work for any such department because if you did you would know that almost everyone who receives some type of welfare benefit is employed. They are called the working poor.
    Educate yourself because you sound like a moron.

    1. 1957 Well if you know anything you get food stamps not enough to eat the whole month and medical and if you work more the 25 hours a week they make you pay for that so educate yourself it's obvious you don't get assistance ..you can always tell when a moron speaks

    2. Quit buying steak and shrimp with foodstuffs and they would go father

  33. @11:31 well looks like you are just as wrong as the ones you are trying to correct. I have a family of 3 and I work 45 hrs a week. guess what I get $63 a month in Foodstamps, and yes my families medical is paid in full by the state! Please get your facts straight before posting BS lies! And YES I am WHITE!

  34. 11:31-It has nothing to do with hours worked. It's a person's income that determines eligibility and the number of people in the household for both food assistance and Medicaid.
    I don't get assistance but I have helped quite a few people who either didn't understand or couldn't read, fill out the forms after meeting them while volunteering at an elementary school where a relative is employed.


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