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Thursday, April 09, 2015

Man Arrested For Refusing Sobriety Test Gets The Last Laugh: A Cool $70,000

Falling asleep at the wheel could be a pretty dangerous concept, for both the driver and any unfortunate pedestrians who happen to be nearby; the degradation of one’s mental state could be comparable to the effects of alcohol, and being tired could even cause you to fail a field sobriety test, should you agree to take it.

Used by police officers to enforce DUI laws, field sobriety tests, AKA roadside sobriety tests, often come before the more scientific Breathalyzer tests. Be you drunk or just plain tired, a field sobriety test never has a pleasant outcome.

Police perform the three-part test after a traffic stop or at a checkpoint. These tests judge your balance, physical ability and attention level. Police officers have demanded such strange “performances” as reciting the alphabet… backwards. Think that’s easy? Give it a try for real; you’ll realize that wide-awake, sober individuals will just as often fail these tests. I suspect the cops get a kick out of it, regardless of your mental state.

Knowing your rights can really help you avoid becoming another cop’s “entertainment”. A man who was informed of his rights refused to submit to a field sobriety test at an unconstitutional police check point. He then refused to comply with any of the officer’s further demands, as the officer began to claim that the man was required to follow his commands by law. This resulted in his unconstitutional arrest, based only on the fact that he had “blood-shot eyes”.



  1. The "More" link to the rest of the story is broke.

  2. 11:34
    It has been fixed. Thanks for letting us know.

  3. This will be the start of the end of these Nazi choke points. Its going to get expensive.

  4. NEVER take the test your just sealing your fate.

  5. Make the cop pay out of his pension, instead of the tax payers. That will put a stop to some of this bull.

    1. Exactly. That is the problem teacher has sex with a student school system sued, cop does something wrong state or county or city sued. It is time for these people to be held accountable for their actions.

  6. HAHA the laughs on you taxpayers at the tune of 70,000.

  7. The sheriff's office is going to loose a similar suit for Constitutional infringements too...

    Hope they reign in their COURT DEPUTIES who harass folks as they serve court papers...

    The one deputy reminds me of Barney Rubble of the Flintstones...

  8. im surprised the cop didnt shoot him thats what they normally do


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