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Thursday, April 02, 2015

Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford To Hold Central Maryland Heroin and Opioid Emergency Task Force Regional Summit

Task Force To Hear Testimony From Baltimore City, Baltimore, Anne Arundel, Carroll, & Howard Counties

Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford and the Maryland Heroin and Opioid Emergency Task Force will be holding the second Regional Summit for Central Maryland, including Baltimore City and Baltimore, Anne Arundel, Carroll, and Howard Counties. The Task Force will hear from residents who wish to share information about how the heroin and opioid epidemic is affecting their region and provide recommendations on how to address it.

WHO: Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford, the Maryland Heroin and Opioid Emergency Task Force
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz
Anne Arundel County Executive Steve Schuh
Howard County Executive Allan Kittleman
President of Carroll County Commissioners Doug Howard

WHAT: Heroin and Opioid Emergency Task Force Central Maryland Regional Summit

WHERE: University of Baltimore School of Law, Moot Court Room
1401 N Charles St, Baltimore

WHEN: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM - April 15, 2015


  1. Maybe instead of holding all these meaningless meetings actually do something about it.

  2. First and most important thing that needs to be done is that people need to get out of their denial and come to grips with the fact this epidemic is the direct result of the liberal attitude towards pot. Every single heroin addict smoked/smokes pot. The kids "graduate" to heroin because they are looking for the same kind of high but more intense. Heroin is also easier to use undetect in the home unlike pot which leaves an odor.
    If your kid is smoking pot, be concerned. Don't overlook it falling for the nonsense that it's harmless and that everyone is doing it.

  3. I would be curious to know how many heroin users/addicts themselves are asked to participate. That's who has the answers and not the politicians.
    I agree, the liberal attitude toward marijuana is one of the major reasons for the explosion of heroin use and not the prescription pain killers most like to blame. Most heroin users never had the opportunity to have access to prescrip pain killers. Regular marijuana smokers get used to smoking more and more and then go looking for something more hardcore for a more intense but same type of high.

  4. The view on pot has nothing to do with this. There have been a number of pain clinics busted on the shore and they were dolling out pain killers. Once those places dried up it made those people have to turn to herion to get the same fix. The street herion is cheaper and easier to find than the oxy. You knuckleheads thinking this is about pot have no clue. Look at California they have had basically legal pot for the last decade and look at there herion stats.

  5. 8:48 Maybe you need to "look at" CA (AND Colorado while you are at it,) because heroin use in both of those states is far more widespread than it is here.
    The fact is, whether you choose to believe it or not, MOST heroin addicts wouldn't know a prescription opiate if it bit them on the ass.
    It's unrealistic to think that because a handful of pain clinics were busted (I can only recall one) this is the reason for the heroin epidemic. Think about it. Every single one of these kids and adults who are now heroin abusers are so because of some clinic? It's not realistic, it's not true and quite frankly it's downright idiotic.
    You can keep on lying to yourself but smoking pot leads to heroin use. It's not debatable so don't try. It's no different that a husband that kills his wife. 99.9% of them were abusers. Not all abusers go on to kill their spouse but those that do started with abusing.
    Not all that smoke marijuana go on to heroin but 99.9 percent of heroin users were or are pot smokers who are in search of a similar but more intense high. Fact buddy. Just because you don't want to hear this doesn't change the fact that it's a fact.

  6. @634
    Ive smoked pot for 25 years and NEVER one time had any urge to seek out heroin. Your argument is invalid.


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