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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Is a call for slavery reparations coming in 2016?

Charles Payne, host of Fox Business News' Making Money, said on Thursday:
I think that there's going to be an official apology from the White House to slavery in America and then a major push to get cash, and I'm talking lots of cash.

Many including those closest to President Obama will push him to make this happen.
About reparations, Scottie Nell Hughes, Tea Party News Network director and a frequent Making Money guest, said:
Sure, slavery was a horrible thing that happened, but this [reparations payments] is not going to help race relations in the United States today.

Payne, who is black, broached the subject after reporting that Chicago will offer compensation to people who can prove they were tortured during the reign of police commander Jon Burge, who "... used electrical shock, burning, and mock executions to elicit confessions from suspects, mostly African-American, from the early 1970s through the early 1990s."


  1. This will only make things worse. If anyone that is a life today was a slave then yes pay them. Otherwise cash to people that were not even alive when slaves were here have no claim and should pound sand.

  2. can't happen because Congress is controlled by Republicans--would never even get close to passing

  3. How about reparations FROM thugs and the welfare crowd ?

  4. Even if a certain group of individuals received a large amount of money I imagine they will be broke after they spend it on $500.00 sneakers and six figure cars. Some people just do not have the ability to manage money properly.

    In the long run the Caucasian business man will end up with the money.

  5. Excuse me black people who are 150 years removed from slavery. Let me explain something to you and everyone else.

    1. You were never a slave.
    2. Nobody in this country had nothing to do with slavery.
    3. Reparations are being paid to many in the form of Social programs. Of which many, many, many black people take advantage, and I mean this in the sense of exploiting, not utilizing to its fullest benefit.
    4. Reports show that since its inception welfare programs have used 15 trillion dollars. If you cant rise above with funding like that you never will.
    5. Stop blaming people for your problems. They are your problems own them.
    6. Hasn't the government stolen enough money from hard working people in order to give hand outs to people that don't need them?

  6. I want an apology from Adam and EVE immediately !!!!

  7. mee too. Somewhere came Adam and Steve.

  8. Adam and Steve......classic !! hahahah

  9. My ancestors were Irish and English. They were indentured servants. Does this mean that I can also get reparations because my they were indentured? You know there was white slavery as well as black. How about the chinese railroad workers who worked as slaves to build the railroad?

  10. Let's take up a fund from all the white slave owners over 150 years old and give it to all the former slaves over 150 years old. Sounds fair to me.

  11. Lincoln gave them an option to return back to Africa to the newly formed country that was set up for them, which is still here call Liberia. Because they knew they had it better than where they came from they chose to stay in America. In another words, we owe them nothing!!!

  12. It's already happening,look around!


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