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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Is America ready for the real Hillary?

Chuck Norris reveals why even liberals aren't on board with Clinton presidency

Well, it’s official. Hillary’s running for the highest office in the land: the U.S. presidency. But do Americans know the real Hillary, or will her gloss and gender be enough to convince the American people to vote in the first woman president?

You know the history and power behind the Clinton dynasty. Last year in my column, “Even libs say no to Hillary in 2016,” I cited top progressives and why even they fear a character and personality like Hillary as president.

Frida Ghitis, former CNN producer and correspondent, touched on a core flaw: “[Hillary] cannot simply ignore the controversies and wage an energetic defense, a full embrace of America’s international record at a time when Obama is scoring the lowest poll numbers of his presidency on that issue. Obama’s foreign policy looks like a key vulnerability for Democrats in the next presidential election. … Clinton did not get everything right. Her failure to list Nigeria’s Boko Haram as a terrorist organization, for example, was a mistake. And to the extent that she did play a role in Obama’s foreign policy, she cannot completely disassociate herself from his failures.”



  1. And How would Chuck Norris know?

  2. Between getting fired for unethical behavior during Watergate, her own performance during the Whitewater scandal, the string of bodies (dead) coming from her activities in Arkansas, Benghazi, and e-mail/server gate...they're all realizing she can't win the general election.

    The only thing wrong with that is they might put up a candidate that can!

  3. Yes Chuck Norris has all the inside Liberal information. LOL what a joke.

  4. When Bell invented the telephone, there was a voice mail from Chuck Norris.

  5. Lets hear about Bengazi... All you ever heard fox news talk about until the official report came out that said everything was done 100% by the books....
    Hillary knows what she is doing and she is playing the republicans... has been for a few years


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