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Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Indiana Law A 2016 Litmus Test

Appearing on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday morning, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence defended a religious freedom law that has become a flashpoint in the culture wars. But Pence said he and lawmakers “were working through the day and into the night” on a potential clarification of the law’s intent.

Pence said that the changes would come “in the days ahead” and promised: “We’ll fix this, and move forward.” The move to clarify the law comes as Indiana business leaders crank up the pressure on conservatives to ensure there could be no legalized discrimination based on sexual preferences.

[Pence made the case for the law in a widely circulated WSJ op-ed.]

While Pence sorts out his own potential presidential ambitions and what this eruption means for his future, the GOP presidential field is going through its first litmus test of the cycle. And on the key question of religious liberty, which is a huge concern for the GOP base,

here’s what they had to say:


  1. Pence presidential ambitions are over, he got sold down the river by the haters.

  2. He sold himself down the river with his stupidity.

  3. They told him no one would notice.

  4. Just loved the interview with George Stephanopolis on ABC, GS: " Are you for discrimination yes or no, JUST ANSWER YES OR NO". My answer would have been: "Are you for religious liberty yes or no, JUST ANSWER YES OR NO YOU LITTLE LIBERAL GNOME.

  5. Stephanopolis is preying on the low information voter which includes any and all democrats and many in the homosexual community.
    It's not about discrimination to which there is no defense allowed for.
    The law-which yes is exactly as the federal law since the Hobby Lobby decision-allows for someone who is accused of not providing a service to another to have a defense based on their religious beliefs.
    Now I'm going to make it clear right now. If some ignoramus comes back and says no it's not like the federal law I'm not going to respond to you. I don't do ignorance nor stupidity on any level and you will be dismissed for the low information person that you are.


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