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Sunday, April 05, 2015

Indiana governor wants changes to religious-objections law

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said Tuesday that he wants legislation on his desk by the end of the week to clarify that the state's new religious-freedom law does not allow discrimination against gays and lesbians.

Pence defended the measure as a vehicle to protect religious liberty but said he has been meeting with lawmakers "around the clock" to address concerns that it would allow businesses to deny services to gay customers.

The governor said he does not believe "for a minute" that lawmakers intended "to create a license to discriminate."

"It certainly wasn't my intent," said Pence, who signed the law last week.

But, he said, he "can appreciate that that's become the perception, not just here in Indiana but all across the country. We need to confront that."



  1. What's the point of having a religious freedom act that doesn't legally allow us to discriminate gays?

  2. Funny how he had all those anti gay people standing behind him when he signed the bill.
    I am sure that was an accident.

  3. 2:05 PM - So discrimination against others is the goal?

  4. Caved as usual... And the other people who hate god, hate america and hate people in general get to keep on hating, yet people who love god, love the country and love people generally, have to shut up and put up wit these dumb clowns running around saying everything offends them...

  5. Discrimination to straight people is ok Wtf.

  6. really? who gives a rats ass! See this is where all you morons out there need to wise up. The rich and powerful keep you fools squabbling over stupid crap like this while they continue to plunder and rape your sorry @sses. I've got enough to answer for when I meet God, Dont need to worry about what the hell you are doing. or how you want to live your life. Hell with the queers let's worry about the bankers and politicians.

  7. It's funny how we have to change laws to support the minority crowd while offending the majority crowd. WTF!!

  8. He's not changing anything only clarifying. You have to remember what we are dealing with here "stupid" liberal "American voters" and if things aren't spelled out in plain English they don't get it. It's even questionable if they will understand it them. The problem with these gays is they are so delusional and paranoid they think the law's sole intent was to discriminate against them.

  9. 2:54 PM - Our Constitution was written, not to defend the rights of the majority; but to protect the rights of the individual. That's about the smallest minority group possible.

  10. Bottom line-The Governor is NOT changing a thing. He IS only clarifying some misrepresentations perpetrated by liberals to the "stupid American voters."
    In light of the recent Supreme Court Hobby Lobby ruling the Indiana state law IS exactly the same as the federal law signed by Clinton.
    Basically all the law says is that you can defend yourself/business (go to court) if you refuse someone services and the defense can be based on your religious beliefs as opposed to actual discrimination where there is no defense.
    For instance Hobby Lobby argued and won that it would go against their religious beliefs to provide employees with the mandated morning after pill by them and their employee sponsored health insurance. This is a perfect example of the Religious Freedom laws.

  11. I wish gays would put so much energy into worrying about the homesexual priests and boy scout leaders, coaches and all the other homosexual men that are preying on young boys.
    That's what's epidemic and not them being discriminated against!
    Stop Preying On Our Young Boys Homosexuals!

  12. 3:52 Wrote "Our Constitution was written, not to defend the rights of the majority; but to protect the rights of the individual. That's about the smallest minority group possible."

    THIS! YOU have the freedom of religion, but not the freedom to force its rules/laws upon everyone. WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD, not One Nation Under The Bible, or quran, or any religious book. God is not defined FOR A REASON. The same as not listing specific firearms under the 2nd Amendment.

    You want everyone to follow the Bible's rules, yet go up in arms for muslims wanting the same thing of the quaran.

  13. Gays are trying to force people of Faith to compromise their beliefs and they shouldn't have to.

  14. I agree 6:27. I used to not care what they did in their private lives but anymore they have worn out their welcome and I find them very very distasteful to the point that I don't want to breath the same air as they do anymore. I hope they have kept up their boycott of Chick Fil A because it could be one safe have where those of us who find them offensive don't have to risk having our air fouled by them.
    So I'll remind them once again, the owner of Chick Fil A does not approve of gay marriage so all gays need to boycott them and stay out of that business. Don't spend one cent in the place because the owner doesn't approve. And please please boycott more businesses so I know who to patronize.

  15. Right 6:27. How would they like it if they were forced into doing something they felt strongly against. Force is the key word. They of all people should be tolerant but that being said I am beginning to believe that homosexuality is a form of mental illness by the way they act up. It's as if they have a compelling need to constantly be showing off.
    I feel the same as 7:02 in that they have totally worn out their welcome.

  16. Why do you have to differentiate between male and female homosexuals as either gay or lesbian? Since they are abnormally in love with the same sex, why not refer to them as what they are: Perverts or homosexuals or fags or queers? That way two groups can be grouped together as one, which is what they want!


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