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Saturday, April 04, 2015

‘I Will Sue You Personally’: Man Caught on Camera Going Nuts Over the ‘Totally Ridiculous’ Thing He Found Firefighters Doing on Duty

You don’t see people chewing out firefighters very often, but one irate Northern California man wasn’t afraid to give them an earful.

The man’s issue: Butte County firefighters were shopping in downtown Oroville, California, at a Raley’s grocery store instead of at the closer — but more expensive — Wagon Wheel Market.

In video of the confrontation posted to YouTube Friday, the man objects to the firefighters driving the extra 8-mile roundtrip, complaining about the gas used and wear on the fire truck.

“It’s ridiculous for the taxpayers,” he says, citing the county’s fire tax.



  1. That moron must be from Salisbury

  2. Poor California! They have idiots from Salisbury moving in.

  3. You need to leave this post up, it really shows Salisbury isn't the only City where Fire Equipment can be used for Department errands! Glad to see it Butte County Firefighters. Tell the irate idiot to take a chill pill and write us when something serious happens!

  4. That moron as you call him is correct. They shouldn't be doing their grocery shopping on duty. Just because it is don't in that county doesn't mean it is OK.

    As a matter of fact your moron is pissed that they drove into another district to buy groceries instead of going to a closer store. I disagree. They should have bought groceries off duty.


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