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Friday, April 10, 2015

I Left the Democrat[ic] Party

The diagnosis is in. America is sick. Radicals rule Washington and most of them are snuggled comfortably within the political party with which I once identified. Please, no judging. Unless things turn around, their domestic and foreign policies mean our kids…and theirs…will suffer, not prosper. “Freedom was a beautiful thing” is what we’ll tell them.

Hope is also a beautiful thing. And there’s still hope, given good people do more than complain…or ignore what’s happening. Politics cannot fix what’s wrong with America, but unless good people get involved…informed…shake things up…vote…we’re sunk.

What’s really needed is a kind of tough love…an unashamed Jesus-y kind of love that shakes people into reality by speaking the truth and overturning tables. Or opinions. That’s the kind of stuff a fairly unknown African American politician, State Rep. John Olumba of Detroit is made of, inspiring him to do what I once did. He defected from the Democrat party late last year.

During his December 2014 farewell speech, well worth the time to watch online, Olumba expressed utter dismay that his former party actual prevents the poor and blacks “from standing on their own two feet” by sending government-funded social workers to “coddle” and keep down “poor little black kids” rather than allowing them to rise above their circumstances. He said it is nearly impossible to rise when “someone else’s wellbeing is tied to your misery,” vis-à-vis social worker jobs and Democrat votes. He said the Democrat Party’s “paternal attitude” toward those in need is “conjured up” and noted that all the government-funded social workers “under the guise of the name Democrat” reaped “no positive change in all the years” he’d been alive.” Strong words he speaks from his own Detroit experience.

He then praised the not-so-perfect Republican Party, which has identity struggles of its own but at least represents the goodness that once made America great — holding fast to the now-dwindling freedoms we cherish and embracing good things like being pro-baby, which most certainly makes God smile. He said, “The Grand Old Party, Good on Principles” should press forward because “you freed the slaves once and you’ll do it again.”



  1. Hate to say this , but , too little too late .
    The fall of the Christian Empire( The United States)
    has taken place. It is over!
    The only salvation is civil war.
    If it takes place , it will be like Christmas to me.

  2. "Once upon a time, leaders apologized, not glibly smirked, when caught in boldfaced lies like Senate Democrat Party leader Harry Reid just did when he said with a smile he had no regret about lying during the 2012 campaign because 'Mitt Romney didn’t win.'"
    This is what the Democratic party is now all about...lie,steal or kill to stay in power. Whatever it takes.

  3. There will be no civil war. Most of her complaints were soft issue social complaints and it is a mystery to me why she remained a Democrat for so long.

  4. What did we expect when you allow a non citizen Muslim in the WH. And the freaking republicans allowed it to happen. History will prove this fact however it might be to late.

  5. If there is nothing to fight over you idiots will find something because of your nature. You have the nature of the beast.


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