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Monday, April 13, 2015

Horse Pursuit Police Beating VIDEO: Group Officers Brutally Punch, Kick, Strike Man More 50 Times


  1. Looks a lot like a shark feeding frenzy. The intelligence level is exactly the same.

    What a bunch of low lives.

  2. He was already on the ground, prostrate, and surrendered, yet they kicked and beat him anyway.

    If he'd been riding a mule instead of a horse, it would have been a whole different story. Then again, they would've shot the mule, after it kicked a few of their own asses.

  3. Looks like a gang beating, doesn't it?

  4. Cops wouldnt do that.

  5. PRISON (for a long time) for you or me.
    SEVEN cops take turns kicking and punching (the kick to the groin is worth at least 5 million) someone. They were muscling each other in order to get a really good kick/punch!!
    Of course, its the FIRST time those cops EVER did that. And its the FIRST time the rest of the fat and out-of shape Gestapo WATCHED other officers commit 1st degree assault and attempted murder. That's called "accessory" for you and me. Again, we, the people, go to PRISON.
    Its always "99% of cops are good", that is until some of those 99% are also caught on video. That video indicates that its a LOT more than 1%, unless ALL the "bad apples" in that department assembled in one place on that day.
    Citizens are waiting for the so-called "good cops" to start saying "WTF!!?. As long as they stand around watching their "brothers" casually do what they would imprison us for, there will be a continuing deterioration in respect for the law.
    Don't believe me. Watch the news.
    You can do it while cheering, too.

  6. Here we go again more cops out of control.There will be an all out war on the cops because they think they are some kind of supreme power and can do whatever the hell they want.In general most people have now gotten the attitude F the cops.

  7. I'm with 10:42, ATTEMPTED MURDER for every piece of crap cop that was on that scene. But we all know how the justice system works in this country. They will all get a month off WITH pay for the " investigation " and then be found not guilty of anything and be right back on the street doing the same sh* t. This is exactly why police don't want body cameras.

  8. 1:55 PM - Don't forget the anger management and diversity training classes.

  9. Those cops just made that fellow very wealthy, if he lives. Dumba$$ didn't hear the helicopter? Where are the cop defenders on this one?

  10. I'm echoing 3:51PM
    Where TF is that POS commenter that was so sick of 'cop hating' videos? Come on POS, mouth off on this one, pal.


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