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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Homeland Security is wasting a bunch of money on empty flights to deport illegal immigrants

The government wasted more than $41 million by sending illegal immigrants home on empty charter flights in the last 3 ½ years, according to a Homeland Security report released earlier this month.

The report, titled “ICE Air Transportation of Detainees Could Be More Effective,” was first reported Monday by the Washington Post.

The department’s inspector general’s office said in the April 9 report Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, “may have missed opportunities to improve the program’s overall effectiveness even though it has identified some ways to reduce costs associated with detainee transportation.” ICE’s air program had poor planning and management, which contributed to the wasteful spending, the report said.

“As a result, ICE Air operated charter flights with empty seats and could have realized cost savings of up to $41.1 million upon determining optimum flight capacity,” the report’s authors found.



  1. Send them home in a row boat.

  2. Sure it's wrong and probably criminal but what the hell are we supposed to do about it when Congress or the DOJ won't even prosecute known high profile criminals [Lerner, Clinton, Obama, et.al.]? For that matter why do we even investigate and report on gov't crime? No one's going to do a GD thing about it anyway.


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