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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hillary Clinton Unveils New Rainbow Campaign Logo

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is going all out in her efforts to become “Queen of the Democratic Panderers,” a title that currently — as is — belongs to Barack Obama.

Ever since announcing her run for the White House, Hillary has flip-flopped on several key issues, one of which is her stance on same-sex marriage, which moved from a traditional view to a modern progressive one.

This is clearly a strategy to appeal to the LGBT demographic and pull votes from that community and its supporters.

Well, it seems Clinton is taking her groveling to the next level by unveiling a new campaign logo, which is rainbow colored.



  1. All of this, the logo, the riots, is being used by the MSM to distract from her corruption.....

  2. 11:12 - they're distracting to begin with....

    I'll never forget the Clinton Corruption Machine!

  3. 4-30-15
    I see something new EVERY DAY of my life. I've NEVER seen a jack-ass the color of the rainbow. I'm glad, as that logo is an insult to the jack-ass. Bob Aswell

  4. Hypocrisy at its best she is going to need EVERY VOTE. LOL.

  5. Yikes -- gotta puke!

  6. Oh now she's a Rainbow Girl!

  7. Hillary has nothing to run on except social issues which are media contrived.

  8. Anyone who would vote for Hillary is either an America hater, or have rocks for brains

  9. Great!. Bill and Chesea are frolicking in Africa with MORE donors. Some things never change.

  10. Is that a crossbar or are you just happy to see me?


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