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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Hillary Clinton and the stupid voters

Elected leaders love to yak about all that is wrong with our education system. They refer to study after study showing our children falling further and further behind the rest of the world and then demand to see improvement. No matter what we do, whether it is “No Child Left Behind,” “Common Core,” or free tuition to attend community college, our leaders can not come up with a fix to what appears to be our increasing stupidity. What they fail to consider is the possibility the problem might lie in the fixers and not the fix. In other words, maybe it is our elected leaders that have fallen behind the rest of the world and they are nothing more than a reflection of our failing schools.

This brings me to Hillary Clinton. A recent poll showed 51 percent of the nation believes she has done something seriously wrong in regards to her email fiasco, while 48 percent believe the matter is no big deal. Another poll shows 50 percent of the country believes she cannot be trusted while the other half … well, I am sure you can figure it out.

Hillary Clinton is a very bright person who makes a point of surrounding herself with very bright people. Together, they have come to the conclusion most Americans are stupid and will end up electing her president in 2016. How’s that for a campaign strategy? Forget splitting the country between red and blue, rich or poor, young or old, or male and female. Clinton is splitting us based on our intelligence and she is convinced she will win based on overwhelming support from the “dumb vote.”



  1. Just ask Jonathan Gruber.

  2. If she wins, it will certainly prove her point, won't it?


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