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Monday, April 06, 2015

Gov’t program would fly in Central American children to join parents in US

Images of unaccompanied children flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border defined the immigration crisis last summer.

Now, the federal government is intervening so these children won’t have to make that trek -– they’ll get to fly into the U.S. instead. For free.

A new State Department and Department of Homeland Security program seeks to stop the surge of immigrant children from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador at the southern border by giving their U.S.-based parents the option to apply to have their kids picked up and put on a plane, without paying a penny.

The parents are eligible as long as they have some sort of legal status. As first reported in The Daily Caller, this would include permanent residents and even illegal immigrants given a work permit and deportation reprieve under President Obama’s recent executive actions, though much of that is on hold due to a pending court case. Of them, those with children under 21 and living in El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras reportedly could apply.



  1. Invaders. Shoot them down.

  2. dailer caller article was dated april 1st, had to be a joke

  3. 4:55
    I don't think that is the case this time. Take a look at this link


  4. This is an anti american liberal writer. A hit piece trying to convince people america is bad just like obama says.

  5. I have a much better idea-Let's fly the parents back to central America to join their children.

    1. It would be cheaper for the US to fly the parents back, even if they were sent first class. And how are they going to prove they are their children and not those of a cousin or neighbor? I'll tell ya how...they won't, can't and don't care!! That's how!!

  6. Okay blacks keep on cheering obama!
    Keep on Cheering! Just make sure to keep the cheer up while you are burying the family of 8 who died because they couldn't pay their electric bill.
    Make sure you cheer really loud!
    Until the last shovel full of dirt falls on the last grave of this family be sure and keep those cheers up.
    Obama the Man is paying for these children to come here. One plane ticket would pay a needy person's electric for at least 2 months.
    But keep on cheering! Keep on cheering!
    Keep on cheering this man who gives a rat's butt about you. He knows you will vote for him and the democrat party regardless how many of you die.
    yep keep on cheering.

  7. 8:15 Won't happen as long as a democrat is president because this has not a thing to do with reuniting family's or whatever other feel good tale they tell but all about establishing another voter base.
    The "stupid American" democrat voters usually the low income low information crowd falls for the feel good nonsense all the while failing to see this directly affects them. As long as the democrats keep on bringing in more and more uneducated unskilled workers the current unskilled work force is never going to make a livable wage. This then turns their environments into havens of not only poverty but crime.


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