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Saturday, April 11, 2015

GoFundMe shuts down fundraising page for killer cop Michael Slager

A financial fund for killer cop Michael Slager was shut down by crowd-funding website, GoFundMe, on Wednesday.

The site told Daily Mail Online that 'after review by our team, the campaign set up for Officer Slager was removed due to a violation of GoFundMe's terms & conditions' but refused to elaborate due to privacy concerns.

Slager has been charged with the murder of unarmed black father Walter Scott, 50, who was fatally shot five times in the back in North Charleston, South Carolina on Saturday. Slager, 33, was terminated from the police force on Wednesday.

A separate fundraising campaign was started on site, Indiegogo, titled the 'Michael T. Slager Support Fund' and featured a picture of Slager in his police uniform.

As of Thursday at 11am, it had raised $393 of a $5,000 goal on donations from 20 people after being set up on Wednesday. Two hours later, that total had jumped to $541.



  1. Soooo, they've convicted him already!

    The deceased, having attempted to escape showed potential nefarious intent...which may justify the shooting.

    Let a (grand) jury decide - then a panel of twelve peers!

    1. Are you the deputy that killed that boy? Not every cop is gonna walk like you !

    2. Thug. Child support dodger.

  2. lol you guys are just grasping at straws.

  3. He can start his go fund me page if they find him innocent. Potential nefarious attempt???? He was running away and he was shot.For a tag light out. Please.

  4. Innocent before guilty .

  5. These comments are pathetic, as are the people leaving them. Even when a video shows cold blooded murder, you would still defend this guy? What sad souls. And to the idiot who called the victim a "thug"....his running was stupid, I grant you. But the guy was a 50 year old former member of the coast guard. A far cry from some waste of space like Michael brown.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Thug. Child support dodger.

    April 11, 2015 at 1:10 PM

    Where is you evidence of him being a thug? Everything I have seen is the opposite. Anybody can get behind on child support, and it has been reported he had NO warrant for failing to pay child support.

    AND, I have just read this kops lawyer has dropped him as a client.

    Maybe you can go to SC and be his lawyer. His chief, mayor, community, other high level LEO's have abandoned him.

    He probably could use a hug right now. Go give him one.

  7. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoApril 11, 2015 at 4:02 PM

    NOTHING Justifies This Shooting. That cop made a Terribly Wrong Decision of shooting the fleeing suspect in the back. Thug or not, you just don't open fire on UNARMED CIVILIAN WHO IS RUNNING AWAY, PERIOD! Cops like this gives other cops bad name and you can bet the Race Baiter Al Sharpton and HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT idiots will be in the streets again..

  8. SLED agents were concerned by what they found at the scene of the shooting death of Walter Scott by former North Charleston Police Officer Michael Slager.
    "Our agents and crime scene technicians arrived shortly after the incident took place," said SLED chief Mark Keel. "There were inconsistencies including what appeared to be multiple gunshot wounds in Mr. Scott's back. We believed early on that there was something not right about what happened in that encounter. The cell phone video shot by a a bystander confirmed our initial suspicions."

    South Carolina Law Enforcement Division

  9. There was a facebook page created that displayed the gofundme information. I do not know if it was this one or not. The facebook page was there last night but not now. When I looked at it last night the person admitted that gofundme had shut down the account. He said they were onto him. He then admitted that when he asked for money he never said it was to benefit the officer and that he had planned to pay off his vehicle with the money.

  10. He's F*d due to the liberal asswipes. What happened to innocent until proven guilty.

    I bet if it was for the Ferguson thug the page would still be open.

  11. Cop haters playing judge and jury. Let the courts decide that not you. Shows your ignorant thinking.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Cop haters playing judge and jury. Let the courts decide that not you. Shows your ignorant thinking.

    April 12, 2015 at 3:16 AM

    always the same song and dance when it involves a kop.

    it's not ignorant thinking when one can look at a video and actually have a thought process. you should try it sometime.

    and you say kop haters like that's a bad thing.


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