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Monday, April 27, 2015

General: China Space Threat Drives U.S. Space Warfare Buildup

China’s growing space warfare capabilities are prompting the Air Force to develop military space weapons to protect U.S. satellites and shoot down enemy systems, the commander of the Air Force Space Command said in an interview that will air on Sunday.

“It’s a competition I wish wasn’t occurring, but it is,” Air Force Gen. John Hyten, the space commander, tells CBS News.

“And if we’re threatened in space, we have the right of self defense and we’ll make sure we can execute that right.”

Asked if those defenses will involve military force, Hyten states: “That’s why we have a military … I’m not NASA.”

Hyten said some U.S. military satellites can maneuver to avoid attack but older ones cannot. “It depends on the satellite … when it was built … how old it is … when we know the threat is coming.”

The program reports that the United States has tested anti-satellite weapons in the past and spends an estimated 10 times more on space than the Chinese. The military space budget is around $25 billion annually, including spy satellites and secret programs, CBS reported.

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1 comment:

  1. what another distraction? don't bother me! I'm watching the black Lives matter riots. Keep cheering..see how the patriot act has swapped roles?? Thugs criminals, terrorist, illegals, gays now protected!!!.patriots, true americans, familes, religion, and constitutionalists ...the new enemy, bigots,dinosaurs that must be silenced?


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