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Saturday, April 18, 2015

"From the Vault • Barack Obama • SEP 1995"


  1. Why do you idiots keep calling him the first African American president of the United States.

    He is half white and half black so why is he called African American and not White??? He is half white and half black. He is half white and half black!!! He has a white mother and a Kenyan father.

    He is not conveniently African American!!

    He is the first BIRACIAL PRESIDENT of the United States!!!

  2. 2:11
    Actually there is 12% Arab mixed in there somewhere on his father's side.

  3. It makes no difference what he says because he is a liar.

  4. I saw the thing was just too long to waste my time watching that idiot.

  5. did you hear what he said @ 15:00 lol.

  6. And let's not forget that his white mother and white grandparents raised him in their socialist vision...

  7. According to what has been accepted way of counting people in the US since the census was first instituted. "One drop of Black blood, you are black".

  8. Nurse walks into delivery and sees white grandmother and white mother. As usual, no sign of the (black) father. Fills out birth certificate for WHITE baby. Years later, somebody things it would be a great idea to run a BLACK candidate. WRONG! He's NOT black but the records DO list him as a lousy ole White.

    Now you know the reasoning behind the "hidden" birth certificate. The Clintons would have tried this had they thought of it.

  9. Smdh. You should've listened to it all word for word. You would be amazed at how many truths he almost tells. The lies. Etc. This truly shows just who this tard is.

  10. Subject: Muslim Bookstore

    So there I was walking through the mall, and went into a Muslim Bookshop.The clerk asked if he could help me, so I asked for a copy of the U.S. Immigration Policy Book regarding Muslims. The clerk said, "F*k off, get out, and stay out."I said, "Yes, that's the one."

  11. Anonymous said...
    Actually there is 12% Arab mixed in there somewhere on his father's side.

    April 18, 2015 at 2:17 PM

    So that makes the illegal Muslim from Kenya even less of an African-American!

  12. Anonymous said...
    did you hear what he said @ 15:00 lol.

    April 18, 2015 at 4:44 PM

    Umm...NO! What idiot would watch that much of it?

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Smdh. You should've listened to it all word for word. You would be amazed at how many truths he almost tells. The lies. Etc. This truly shows just who this tard is.

    April 18, 2015 at 10:27 PM

    And you wasted an hour of your life listening to that garbage.


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