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Thursday, April 02, 2015

Freedoms I Wish the Military Were Defending

“Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended.” ~ George W. Bush, September 11, 2001

We have heard it repeated loudly and continuously since 9/11 – the troops are defending our freedoms. This claim is made so often and by so many different segments of society that it has become another meaningless national dictum – like “God Bless America” or “In God We Trust.”

This cliché is actually quite insidious. It is used as a mantra to justify or excuse anything the U.S. military does.

U.S. troops are engaged in unconstitutional, undeclared wars – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. drone strikes killed civilians in Pakistan – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. bombs landed on a wedding party in Afghanistan – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. soldiers murdered Afghan civilians and kept some of their body parts – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. helicopter pilots gunned down Iraqi civilians – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. soldiers killed civilians for sport – but the troops are defending our freedoms. U.S. troops carelessly killed civilians and then covered it up – but the troops are defending our freedoms.

But as I have pointed out many times in my articles on the military, and others like Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation have been arguing for years (see here andhere), the troops are doing everything but defending our freedoms. In fact, the more the troops defend our freedoms by bombing, invading, and occupying other countries, the more enemies they make of the United States and the more our freedoms get taken away in the name of “fighting terrorism” or “national security.”



  1. rule of thumb anything the government says assume the opposite... 180 out from what They state. They only talk in doublespeak! when they come up with terms such as, the Patriot Act, Affordable Care Act you should run for the hills

  2. I totally agree with this author.

  3. I guess the poor and middle class moms and dads are getting weary of seeing THEIR kids come home in a box or without arms, legs, eyes, brains, and private parts, while the children of Senators, Representatives, judges, and corporate owners send THEIR kids to Harvard and go to Hawaii twice a year.
    But, on the good side, they DO "honor our heroes". Sounds a lot like the Roman Senators extolling the heroism of all the men who were slashed and killed over nothing more than imperial expansion of the empire. the Senators, of course, had no skin in the game. Literally.
    Same is true today, only it supports weapons manufacturers who send HUGE bribes to the senators (who couldn't care less about how you are going to care for your son or daughter for the rest of their lives).
    Please stop cheering.

  4. When members of the military has to get food stamps to eat, neglected when they return, doesn't that give some of you an idea when our government REALLY thinks of vets?

    They have everyone chanting 'support our troops', and other nonsense, just to keep their warmongering cash cows running efficiently.

    I support our troops alright, I used to be one of them. But going to multiple countries to invade and steal their resources is NOT defending our freedoms.

    They are nothing more than assassins sent by our corporations to gather and protect their resources.

    I'm sure some of you do not want to hear this. But it just the fact of the matter. IMHO.

    I am not the first to say this, nor will I be the last.

    We have had presidents and generals say the exact same thing.

    I think it's time to lower the flag from your eyes just a bit and really SEE what is going on.


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