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Friday, April 10, 2015

Fort Hood shooting victim denied benefits, despite Purple Heart decision

The Obama administration has finally acknowledged that those hurt and killed in the 2009 Fort Hood shootings were victims of terrorism -- and not “workplace violence,” as it was previously described. But while formal recognition of that is set for Friday, when victims will receive the Purple Heart, it may only be symbolic.

Fox News has learned as part of its ongoing investigation of the 2009 terrorist attack that the military, at least in one case, is still denying benefits for injuries sustained in the attack.

"I think it's almost unheard of for someone to receive the Purple Heart but not have their injuries deemed combat-related," Shawn Manning, who was seriously injured in the 2009 attack, told Fox News. "I know that was not what Congress intended to have happen, but it is what currently the Army has determined is going to happen."



  1. The army is no longer what we have known as a portion of the military .
    It is full of left winged liberals and atheist . As we all know ,Obama has let the muslim world dictate our countries future.
    Every day I wish and hope someone terminates this man , and maybe most of congress.

  2. Obama be da man...

    I gots a free cell phone and a place to chill out ...

    while you work for me and pay taxes...

    1. Thats why you and your kind are worth nothing to society and you family.

    2. Lol its gonna end soon obamas son.

  3. hey 4:53
    Obama wouldn't make a pimple on a mans a$$.

  4. Yes sad..it always disgusting that wounded warrior, a private group has to help our wounded vets!!! WTF. cut low scum freeloaders and illegals funding and use it for our wounded..its sickening how our wounded warriors are treated..better call our reps and vent.. i am..4:53 if your not a fat troll and are for real...your days are numbered enjoy your pitenence chump change, with my regards...your nothing but a government slave...a useful idiot

  5. be an Obama supporter and claim ILLEGAL status and get all the benefits free on the tax payer not out of the Military budget. It will be even better health care and be seen faster.
    This shows how pathetic this Country has gotten through Progressive / Liberal leadership and a passive GOP. This will only change when the voters vote on Politians benefits and pay. I forgot TERM LIMITS included.


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