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Sunday, April 12, 2015

First lady: Secret Service agents taught Malia how to drive

WASHINGTON (AP) — Some teenagers get driving lessons from their parents. Other teens are taught by licensed instructors.

But Malia Obama isn’t your average 16-year-old: Her driving lessons were provided by the U.S. Secret Service.

Asked who taught Malia how to drive, first lady Michelle Obama told celebrity chef and daytime talk-show host Rachael Ray in an interview that it was the armed agents who provide around-the-clock security for the family.



  1. Teach her how to get a fn JOB.

  2. Was it a Mercedes with 22 inch wheels?

  3. Haters gonna hate. What is wrong with you hateful people on here. She's a child for Christ sake. Get a life.

  4. 526 21 months left and they can all go on EBT.

  5. What did that cost the tax payers? map

  6. drop them fools off in iran since there father loves them.

  7. Really people she is a kid brought in this world by no choice of her own. I happen to think it is a cool story. The man is still your President. I did not and never will vote for him. It has nothing to do with his color. I HATE his politics. The kids are off limits really

  8. So did the President reimburse the Government for the lessons or did he misappropriate Government resources for personal gain?

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Haters gonna hate. What is wrong with you hateful people on here. She's a child for Christ sake. Get a life.

    April 8, 2015 at 5:26 PM

    A soft hearted liberal MORON!!

    I bet you voted for Obama!!

  10. Oh, so a conservative can't be soft-hearted? You guys are ridiculous with your liberal/conservative crap.
    People aren't always one or the other. There is something in between called independent thinking.

  11. 728 a flip flopper all through life.
    AKA Independent.

  12. 4:41 who needs a job when you can get welfare if you are not white?

  13. Who said the children are off limits?
    The Secret Service happens to be employees of us so we have a right to know and comment on everything they do.

  14. Were her secret service agent instructors drunk? Sounds like that's all they do anymore.

  15. I'd drink too 2:16 if I had to be around the obamas.

  16. 8:25 they do not tax your welfare so who works for who. People forget WE ALL PAY TAXES even the Secret Service. Idiots lol. No one works for the tax payer. They work with us.


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