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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Embarrassing! Sexist college students say the top reason they’re voting for Hillary Clinton is her gender


  1. College students are some of the most easily manipulated people in the country. They gather just enough information for them to formulate the most shallow of opinions and then base their ideology off of that.

    When in reality solid opinions are formulated over time and are peer tested through conversation with a broad range of people not just their dim witted friends that think just as they do.

  2. What a sorry state of affairs this Country is in. This is why young people out of college can't get a job.

  3. Think back to the activist college kids of the 60's, then compare this crew. These kids are our future. Scary isn't it!

  4. Pro sexism and racism taught in our colleges.

  5. On Route 13 holding signs.." The Economy is George Bushes Fault"April 21, 2015 at 3:14 PM

    Salisbury University is the same way with all the LEFT COMMIE Professors there

  6. Considering that we may never recover from electing a president solely based on his race - as he had no experience / credentials to back him up; electing another just because she's a woman - with her acknowledged negative experience / credentials constantly haunting her would finish this country for good.

  7. Sadly some people are just this stupid. There is NOTHING wonderful about the first woman president if she isn't worthy of the job. How about the first dog as president? Makes as much sense.

  8. Actually the USA has already had a female president. In 1919 Edith Wilson served for almost 2 years after her husband Woodrow died. She was a sitting defacto president. Clinton might could be the first elected female president, but, God, I hope not.

  9. Idiot white liberal fools killing america.

  10. How can anyone truly campaign (with ideas and reasoning) or appeal to these (God its scary to say, but...)voters??
    MILLIONS of these dummies, with NO idea of her policies, background, beliefs, or goals are just fawning over the idea of a "woman president".
    NO amount of reasoning would convince them that she is not worthy.
    These idiots think they're voting for Prom Queen, not the commander of the worlds greatest military.

  11. Let's not lay total blame on them. But those who teach them as well, including their rebellious parents.


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